>I like you Tony. But it ain't gonna happen.
>The mistake was waiting so long that all of these characters got
comfortable. Beyond
>that, as far as Bilenkin goes, he was only partially removed because of his
>endorsement of racist filth against US Blacks.

>I am a co-moderator. Two women- Yoshie Furuhashi and Mine Aysen Doyran- are
>co-moderators. I speak clearly because I already know they agree to these
points and
>I merely received your message first. Bilenkin was dumped "unanimously"

Oh, it is found that not only Louis Proyect has this strange "eyelight
defect"! It is collective disease. I am a physician by my first profession
but I did not meet such strange case before... It looks like infection. A
bad case. And what if it is contagious for other members of the list?!  What
can I advise them? The only remedy to prevent spreading of infection is
isolation of contagion...
And as to you, Macdonald, your "ΣΟ-moderators", Proyect, Jones -
unfortunetely I can not help you.  And any oculist cannot. Dishonesty is

I go away, be happy!

Svetlana Baiborodova

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