Seven killed and hundreds iunjured in a bomb blast in Communist Party public meeting
in Dhaka. Seven killed and hundreds injured in a bomb blast in Communist Party public
meeting in Dhaka. Posted Monday, January 22, 2001 by admin [.]

Seven people were killed and more than one hundred injured when a powerful bomb blast
at a public meeting organised by Communist Party of Bangladesh on 20th January at the
centre of the capital city. One hundred thousand strong, massive public meeting with
people carrying red flags with hammers and sickles and colourful banners and festoons
inscribed with the urgent demands of the party was dumbfounded when the bomb,
reported o have been planted earlier a few meter away from the rostrum suddenly
blasted creating havoc in the peaceful gathering.

This occurred during the last part of the meeting when within 15 minutes the massive
procession would start marching on the streets of Dhaka. The massive rally which was
attended by party supporters from all over the country was called by the party in
support of urgent demands.

The main demands were to:

Stop terrorist Mafia, black money, corruption, stop selling oil, gas, electricity,
port facilities to multinationals.

Resist exploitation and hegemony of Imperialists and local and foreign interest

Punish war criminal of 71 liberation war.

Reduce prices of daily necessities.

Protect environment and bio-diversity.

Ensure fare wages for workers.

Stop genocide being perpetrated on garments workers.

Start production in closed down factories

Ensure employment for jobless.

No eviction of slum dwellers without alternative arrangement.

Free election from the grip of money and muscle power and introduce proportionate

Remove anarchy and discrimination in the education system.

Stop realisation of high interests from poor people by NGO's

Stop repression of indigenous people.

Give constitutional guarantee to national minorities.

CPB organised mass demonstrations in almost all the thanas round the country on 11th
of this month declared as 'demand day'. The initiative was supported by mass
organisation and leaders of peasants, trade unions, agricultural workers, students,
youth, women and cultural organisations.

Immediately after the cowardly bomb attack by yet unknown miscreants the CPB
president Manzurul Ahsan Khan and General Secretary Mujahidul Islam Selim condemned
the killing and criticised the utter failure of the government in protecting the life
of its citizens. The leaders also demanded high level inquiry into the tragic
incident and punishment of real killers. CPB also demanded compensation for the dead
and injured from the government. The party along with the 11 party alliance called
for a half day ' hartal' or general strike on 21st. The city life came to a
standstill from 6AM to 2 PM CPB has called a press conference on 22nd. The CPB along
with 11 party alliance has called for a nationwide "People Mourning Day " in 23rd
January. In Dhaka it will be bserved with silent mourning procession expected to be
perticipated by all sections of the people to be started from Shaheed Minar at 4.00
P.M Black Day will be observed throughout the country on 26th when black flag
demonstration will be organised.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, leader of the opposition in Parliament Khaleda Zia and
Left Democratic Front, 11 Party Unity, NAP, JSD, most of the political parties have
condemned killing in unequivocal terms. 11 party alliance has called for a
nation-wide general strike or hartal on 1st February against killing in CPB meeting,
terrorism, corruption, black money conspiracy of religious communal forces, and sale
out of oil, gas, electricity and natural resources, and for amelioration of the
condition of common people.The CPB and 11 party unity is going for such action after
year long campaign. The failure and bankruptcy of the bourgeois parties has created
the necessity of building up a broad left democratic alternative which can steer the
country out of the present crisis.

The struggle of Communist Party and 11 Party unity and its action programme has
created high hopes amongst the people of Bangladesh. The attack on the Communists
Party comes in this backdrop. The CPB President Manzur bidding farewell to the dead
in a solemn ceremony held in front of its party office said " One of the victims held
the party flag so tight that even after his death it was difficult to remove the flag
stand from his grip." Communists will never forget these militant comrades who held
the party so near and dear." Communist will be ready to shed the last drop for
freedom, democracy, security, peace, progress, ecological balance and socialism which
was the dream of martyred comrades.

Meanwhile thousands of people continue to flock hospitals in Dhaka to donate blood
for the injured and also money for their treatment and rehabilitation. A bank account
has been opened for collection of fund for the victims. The Central Committee of the
Party has called to friends and various organisations within the country and abroad
to donate genrously to the fund. The money has been deposited in saving account no
9126 of Janata Bank, Purana Paltan Branch Dhaka Bangladesh. The name of the account
is "Fund for support to the victims in CPB meeting " Government has formed an enquiry
committee to probe into the incident and identify the culprits. CPB leaders has
warned gainst speculations about the killers distorted news aimed at protecting the
real illers and conspirators.


Macdonald Stainsby

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