As a side note, he spoke at the radical La Quena Collective Coffee house a couple of
times in the past. He, while quite inspiring, was most dangerous in his calm,
rational approach to the audience.

Dear Canadian Friends:

I am very sorry that I cannot be there with you in Calgary or Lethbridge, to discuss
issues of racism, police brutality, and capitalist globalization.  It is not due to
my wishes, and totally out of my control for these events to occur. The US border
officials have
contacted Canadian immigration officials about the great "threat" that I represent,
and as a result Canadian immigration authorities have seen fit to bar me from coming
into the country until I can produce
"evidence" that that I am a person of "fit character" and have no outstanding felony
legal cases. Of course, since I left Canada, not even two weeks ago after a speaking
engagement at Concordia University in
Montreal, this is clealy nonsense.  Further, I have entered Canada at least 15 times
in the last five years, and never been stopped before by border guards. They have no
reason at all to assume that I constitute a "clear and present danger" to state
security.  This is  not to say that I am no longer a revolutionary Anarchist or that
my message is a tame one
[p]reaching peace or non-violence, it's just that contrary to what the officials
think, all Anarchists do not wear a long black cloak with a bomb underneath, and all
Black people do not have a propensity to
personal acts of violence.  Some of us Anarchists even get to wear nice sweaters and
jackets, with our speaking notes underneath; and surprisingly some Black people have
nice manners and even know how to speak fairly proper English. I am one. (:

But let us cut to the chase: the Canadian authorities did not like what I said when I
was last there in January about resisting the Free Trade Area of the Americas meeting
to be held in Quebec City, and how all
activists in the Americas have a responsibility to attend and protest the meeting
this coming April. They did not like me calling these FTAA "statesmen" what they
really are, a *group of international gangsters*.
They did not appreciate my accusation that the global capitalist entitities like the
G8 (now G20) are responsible for all the suffering, murder, and oppression of poor
people all over the world. That global capitalism is responsible for mass exoduses to
Europe, America, and Canada because of austerity policies forced upon various
governments by the IMF, WTO, and other "alphabet soup institutions".  They did not
like it when I said that these institutions are also responsible for all the police
state regimes in Latin America, and starvation of peasants all over the hemisphere.
They did not like it when I said that "Baby Doc", (George W. Bush) would be coming to
Canada to shit all over the land and people of the Americas, and that that idiot
Chretien would be trailing after him like a tame puppy dog.  They did not like it
when I talked about the internal colonialism of native peoples in Canada, and they
sure as hell didn't like it when I talked about homelessness, police brutality, and
the rise of the prison-industrial complex in the Americas being an integral part of
the "new" global capitalism.  So that
is why they did not want me there to speak to you.

Once before a government stopped me from freely travelling and speaking to its people
because they saw me as "a threat to national security". In 1997, I was invited by a
group of Australian Aborigines, Anarchists, and anti-colonial groups to come to OZ,
and plan for an  international boycott of the games and oppose anti-aboriginal racism
and fascism by
the One Nation Party of the PM Pauline Hanson. Upon my arrival, Hanson created a
hysterical racist press uproar, and demanded my expulsion from the country.  "He's a
terrorist and he's here to lead a Black revolution"...he wants to kill whites", and
other nonsense.  I was jailed, beaten, and ultimately driven out of the country. I am
banned from returning by the right-wing white racist regime ever again.  But
the real moral to this story is that after I was jailed, my friends in Austrialia and
the Black Autonomy International (the group I belonged to), began an international
protest campaign against my jailing and denial of free speech.  They had protests
within two days in over 17 countries, and all of the major cities in Australia.
Finally, the Supreme Court ruled against the Prime Minister's position ,and ordered
me released. Without the protest camapign, in front of AUS consulates all over the
world, this would not have happened. I would be in jail there right now [some I met
had been there for *years*], or even worse,
may have been killed by jailers.

We need to protest what has happened to me now by the Canadian government, not just
because it happened to a so-called "prominent individual," but because we must fight
for the principle of the right to speak and travel freely, and oppose militarized
borders forbidding that.

We cannot sit quietly around while they do their dirty work to ban political speakers
coming to Canada (or the USA when you try to come over). The idea of banning someone
on grounds of "having a criminal
record" unless they are heads of state like Mandela, should be totally offensive to
anyone who believes in civil liberties, not just Anarchists who reject the state.

I am calling on you, who would have heard my talks,  to go to the Canadian
immigration service, and protest in front of [or inside] their building. I am asking
you to write letters of complaint about their
political censorship. I am asking you to get an attorney and sue the bastards. I am
asking you to even pressure provincial politicians, as well as the Minister of
Foreign Affairs/Immigration. I am asking you to take whatever action you find
necessary to raise this issue publicly, and rescind their repressive policies. I hope
that others in Europe and
the USA will also protest this matter.  I am vulnerable due to the attempted frameup
cases in the USA, and I really need your help to stop this political repression and
censorship by Canadian authorities. I cannot do it all by myself, nor should I have

I would have enjoyed speaking there before you, and meeting many of you and working
together in the future, but our battle is not over, and I do not ever give up.  I
hope that you will use this incident as fuel for even more attacks on the antiquated
institution of the nation-state, which so fears one man and his message that they
would ban me.  I hope
that you will really give them hell at the FTAA meeting in Quebec City now, to make
Bush squirm and even break for the exits! Don't let these criminals get comfortable
at their $1,000 plate dinners, and conference confab. Give 'em hell, and say I sent

I am not the terrorist here: I have not killed, imprisoned, tortured, or detained
anyone.  I have not discriminated against anyone because of their race, nor sought to
censor them from speaking in a public forum. It is the US and Canadian states, which
should be on trial here, for their crimes and intolerance. I have merely sought to
tell the truth, and it is that which they fear.

Love and struggle,
Lorenzo Komboa Ervin

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