For a number of years, there has been very justifiable  media and other
public focus on the pervasively violent Nazi-type hate groups [Aryan
Nations, Identity "church" ] clustered in their camps  and compounds in
North Idaho -- Hayden Lake setting, etc.  These outfits have been losing
ground significantly in the past few years -- aging leaders, factionalism,
public exposure, legal attacks, very much the mobilization of decent people
in the region, etc. -- but still, of course, continue to pose a  definite
threat.  However, other hate enterprises are moving into Idaho at this point
[ National Alliance etc] to set up their covens, distribute and broadcast
racist and anti-Semitic and homophobic material -- and this will invariably
lead to  more anti-people  actions and outright violence.  These
developments are causal -- moving to "light new fires" -- but they are also
symptomatic,  i.e., finding lots of  old but fertile soil:  the
much-publicized hate stuff in North Idaho has always taken the focus away
from the far, far more entrenched prejudice/discrimination situation that
pervades much of Idaho [not all of its people and institutions, certainly,
but many indeed.] This more "traditional"  and "old timey" and relatively
pervasive grassroots dimension  can  certainly   involve some local and
state police operations which are inherently and historically very
anti-civil libertarian  -- and which, despite sometime pious disclaimer,
certainly have racist and related attitudes and practices. Unemployment and
sub-employment, especially among teenagers and young adults,  is an obvious
socio-economic ill for everyone -- but when this involves Anglos, in a
racist etc. setting, it spells serious trouble -- as it has in other
comparable situations such as that involving thousands of farmers and
ranchers losing their land in the Northern Plains.  Good people in Idaho --
and they are not scarce -- have their work cut out for them.  Avowed
socialists and other healthy-minded left radicals and genuine civil rights
and civil liberties activists generally  -- and we are still rather scarce
at this point -- have much  basic trail-blazing to do!  Hunter Gray
Hunter Gray

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