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by Diana Johnstone [posted 29-3-2001]

[Note: On March 23-24 the Belgrade Forum hosted an international conference 
to commemorate and analyze the NATO aggression against Yugoslavia. Diana 
Johnstone, whose work awakened many of us to the truth about the 
U.S./German/British assault on Yugoslavia, could not attend. However, she 
sent the following statement. It includes very interesting comments about the 
significance of the U.S.-pushed effort to jail Yugoslav President Miloshevich 
who was removed from office Oct. 5th in what is described oxymoronically in 
the Western press as a "democratic coup."- Jared Israel]

Dear Friends, 

Thank you very much for your invitation to attend the Conference on "The 
Truth About NATO Aggression". The 24th of March, 1999, was a day of lies, 
injustice and war that must be neither forgotten nor forgiven. The injustice, 
the loss of life and the destruction cannot be undone, but the lies must be 
relentlessly denounced and exposed. It is appropriate to hold such a 
conference on Truth on this tragic anniversary -- this year and no doubt for 
years to come, as the task of establishing the truth is likely to be long and 

Unfortunately, this year I am unable to attend for personal reasons. However, 
I wish to stress that my absence in no way indicates any lessening of my 
commitment to the struggle for truth, justice and peace in the Balkans. This 
struggle is now in a very difficult phase, as the United States is bringing 
all manner of pressure to force the Serbs themselves to endorse the falsified 
version of history used by NATO to justify the cruel and illegal air war 
launched against Yugoslavia just two years ago. 

It was not enough to bomb Yugoslavia, killing innocent civilians and 
destroying the country's infrastructure, or to turn over part of its 
territory to criminal bands of armed racists who murder defenseless citizens 
and mount new military provocations as NATO looks on helplessly. The United 
States and its NATO partners now demand that Serbian authorities cooperate in 
rewriting history in order to blame the victim not only for the bombing but 
for all the wars that ravaged Yugoslavia throughout the 1990s. That is the 
reason for the insistent demand to turn over former President Milosevic to 
the "International Criminal Tribunal". The objective is a political show 
trial, no different from the notorious show trials of past dictatorial 
regimes, designed to rewrite history to suit the dominant power and its 

American officials are quoted as urging Serbian authorities to keep searching 
for some crime committed by Milosevic, since "he's certainly guilty of 
something..." No such frantic search is necessary to find the guilt of NATO 
leaders. They launched an illegal war. They targeted civilian infrastructure, 
used toxic weapons. The evidence has been compiled by jurists in several 
countries. The matter is clear. But the ICTY prosecutor refused to 
investigate NATO, not surprisingly, since she works for them, although she 
seems not even to realize it. 

The demand to extradite a former head of state to a grossly biased political 
Tribunal in return for dollars is an attempt to turn Serbian government 
ministers into bounty hunters. A reward of $5 million is offered for 
Milosevic. The U.S. Congress dangles aid dollars in front of Serbian 
officials, and gives them a deadline to comply with U.S. dictates by the end 
of the month or else the goodies will be snatched away. Serbia is summoned by 
the United States to abandon its dignity and capacity to judge its own 
reality in exchange for a fistful of dollars -- a scenario worthy of a 
spaghetti Western. 

Milosevic -- and Serbia -- must be found guilty in order to prove that NATO 
was innocent. The bounty hunters might profit from the bounty money. The 
Serbian people would pay dearly. Politically, materially and in the right to 
their own truth. 

At the conference in Belgrade last year, I remarked that I did not consider 
it my business to intervene in Yugoslavia's internal politics. I can 
understand that people may be tired of suffering hardships, of being treated 
as pariahs by the Western powers, isolated and subjected to sanctions. I can 
understand they may grasp at illusions. I can understand that they may want 
to be treated as "normal", regardless of the price. But watch out! The price 
for giving up the truth and abandoning justice may be much higher than it 
seems. Serbia deserves the respect of the world, and this respect is and will 
continue to be earned by a courageous and stubborn devotion to truth. 


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