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[Emperor's Clothes]

Eastern U.S. time]

We have just spoken by phone to unarmed civilians who are once again in front 
of Miloshevich's house, guarding him with their bodies. Bless these wonderful 
Serbs, they show us all the way.

Exhibiting the bravery of the people who stopped Hitler in his tracks in 
March/April 1941, hundreds of unarmed Serbian civilians have broken through 
police blockades and returned to the gates of Mr. Miloshevich's house, 
guarding him with their bodies. Last night, hundreds of "special police" had 
driven them away.

Meanwhile, in Miloshevich's house, which is owned by the Yugoslav Army, crack 
Yugoslav Army troops have refused to surrender, offering to fight it out with 
NATO-commanded "special police" (some of whom the civilian demonstrators have 
heard speaking non-Serbian languages!) The Army troops guarding Miloshevich 
troops are armed with rocket launchers and machine guns. Mr. Milosevich has 
said: "I will not surrender. I do not recognize these authorities or these 
police. They work for NATO."

The Socialist Party, the Radical Party and all Serbs who care about their 
sovereignty and social justice call on the friends of justice and peace all 
over the world: take action now. Do not abide this attempted kidnapping and 
or murder by standing silent.

Demonstrate and protest at Yugoslav Embassies and Consulates and/or NATO 
government offices. Write and call the NATO servants in Belgrade and the 
Western governments to voice your protest.

The following are email addresses of the DOS authorities in Belgrade (more 
may be posted so check back):

Zoran Djindjic's "Democartic Party" Of Serbia [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Djindjic is the U.S.-installed Serbian Prime Minister.

Voyislav Koshtunitsa [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

DSS (Koshtunitsa's Party) [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Phone Number: 

Zoran Djindjic 381 11 3617 719 

Fax Numbers: 

Yugoslav President Kostunica 381 11 603 245 

Yugoslav Minister of Foreign Affairs Svilanovic 381 11 3672 953 

Federal Prime Minister Zizic 381 11 637 185  

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