A second article on the same matter- Macdonald

China Slams Japan Over History Textbook

The Chinese government and people are strongly indignant about and dissatisfied with
the new Japanese history textbook for the year 2002 compiled by right-wing Japanese

Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhu Bangzao announced this here Tuesday, in response to
the Japanese government's approval of the textbook.

He said that the Japanese government has approved a textbook which confounds right
and wrong, disregarding the solemn representations made many times by the Chinese
government and people and the just appeals of the people of other Asian countries.

It must be pointed out that the basic reactionary and absurd nature of the textbook
has remained, although many parts of it have been amended, Zhu said.

The textbook, which intentionally blurs the nature of the aggressive war launched by
the Japanese invaders, does not reflect on the deep tragedies brought about by the
Japanese militarists to the Asian people, but instead whitewashes and exculpates the
atrocities committed by the Japanese troops, he noted.

( rest at: http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/200104/03/eng20010403_66729.html )
Macdonald Stainsby
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