Comrades and friends,

This interview was arranged with a news agency that has direct relationship
with the Argentinean rebel unions.

with Jorge Enea Spilimbergo by Lilian Katzelis).

I had a conversation with Jorge Enea Spilimbergo, a sharp observer
of the historic development of our country, during some grey afternoon
in March, at a corner in the Southern area of the town

When one analyzes the current political map, believes Spilimbergo, with
an increasing variety of diversified actors, a weak government,
a diminished state, a growth in the size of the excluded masses,
and vacant banners, it is dangerous to speak of the decline in
the concept of nation-state, because this allows, by implication, to
believe that the nation-state is already over.  "The problem with this
-he states- is that this notion is shared by the multinationals and other
supranational mechanisms: but none of these institutions elliminates the nation-
states of the wealthy countries. What we are facing is an attempt at
elliminating the defensive capacities of the peripheric countries".

Absence of leaders.
Notoriously concerned, Spilimbergo adds: “Ïn our country, we have a
spectacular lack of protection, because the system of the political
establishment has bought the recipe abroad; Radicals and the Frepaso, in the
Alliance, as well as Menemists and the remaining variants of the Justicialist
Party. What we are facing is, somehow, an acephaly of the leadership, and
this is what makes it more necessary than ever to rebuild an axis that can
serve as a rallying point, an axis that is not just a new version of the same thing".

Spilimbergo believes that the challenges generated by the current situation of
social and political calamity well out from struggle and active resistence:
“There is a resistence, among the rebel unions, on economic issues,
but it has not reached a political projection that can, additionally,
integrate the Nation as a whole”.

His gaze wanders along the trails of our path, and he refers now to
he projects of power centralized in Buenos Aires as an attempt
o establish a rift with the main cities in the Inland country.  Spilimbergo
emarks that "the problem does not lie in _where_ the nerve center of
power is located, but in what is the contents of its policies. For instance,
in Argentina, 1820, the Tratado del Cuadrilátero expressed, mainly,
the riverine provinces, who had points in common and divergences both
with the port of Buenos Aires and the mediterranean Inland country. Later
on, the generation of the 80s attempted to build a national state, or to
turn it stronger, but at a time when the British imperialism had launched
a great offensive. Thus, the positions that might contain progressive sides
were limited by the invasion of British capital. In the end, we made all that
we could do”.

Back to present, and taking it by assault, Spilimbergo points out that
now we have some kind of "defensive federalism", where Governors act
as mediatiors: "Somehow, they are local agents in front of a central power
that makes the rules", he adds.

-You mean that they are mediators with the central power and, at the same time,
they are representatives of people?

-No. They just pretend to have some influence which they don't.

With a deep breath, and without any pretension to futurology,
our host tries to analyze the current trends, and comments: “As to the
future of our country, I believe that we shall have a strong tendency
towards a popular rebellion. The problem lies in whether this rebellion
can be organized in the best possible way, with a political project. If
the regime of Fernando de la Rúa fails, there won't exist any reshuffling
in policies. Because, who should come in his stead? The military? In my
opinion they are not ready for use. In the end, and without a shred of
pity for them, they are victims of a system too, a system which uses them
and presses them as a lemon, and after that blames them for everything.
That is why the important task now is to gather momentum and to build
a popular political power, based on social struggle: I don't have the slightest
shade of doubt that we shall be facing very hard times”.

Néstor Miguel Gorojovsky

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