Etehadchap schrieb:
> Defend Iranian Women against medieval punishments 
> In the province of Khorassan , over 20 prostitutes  (
> 12 in Mashad and at least another 10 in Bojnourd and
> Shahroud )are the latest victims of ‘serial‘ murders
> in Iran. The method and brutality of their death, as
> well as claims by fundamentalist sects , leaves little
> doubt that these were ‘religious’ murders by those
> trying to ‘clean up society ‘. These women aged 20 to
> 50 years old are not only the latest victims of a
> brutal  and reactionary regime, their choice of
> profession in a ‘fundamentalist’ country reflects the
> stark  choices facing single working class women in
> such societies.
> In Iran Islamic fundamentalism has stopped women
> taking meaningful employment, it forces them to wear
> ‘uniforms’ to identify them as second class citizens,
> it has segregated education and health to make sure
> they remain , second class citizens,  it has made work
> in factories and workshops almost impossible for
> women, it has legalised marriage of  9 years old 
> girls, and punishes poor veil or ’lack of uniform’
> with flogging, adultery with stoning to death and now
> prostitution with serial murders sanctioned by
> religious fatwas. For Iranian women ,  in the first
> year of the twenty first century Iran’s Islamic
> Republic has indeed become the hell on earth  promised
> by Shia clerics when they came to power:
> In  Shia Theology , a traditional and powerful school 
> believes that deterioration of social an and economic
> conditions should be welcomed as the creation of  hell
> on earth  precipitates the arrival of the Twelfth Shia
> Imam  who disappeared in his childhood , 13 centuries
> ago and will only be reincarnated from death when
> poverty, hunger, corruption and decadence reach
> unlimited proportions. For many years over the last
> twenty two years, defenders of this school of thought
> , encouraged by clerical defenders of’ ’free market’ 
> ideology , ayatollahs  who have become multi
> millionaires, have put their theological ideas into 
> practise in Iran with great success,  unprecedented
> levels of  poverty , a widening gap between the rich
> and the poor, the collapse of social morality,
> corruption in every layer of private and public life,
> increase in prostitution , including  under aged
> prostitution , unprecedented levels of drug addiction
> and alcoholic consumption are amongst the well known
> ‘achievements ‘  of the rule of the  Islamic regime 
> and its ‘Vali Faghih” or supreme clerical leader,
> guardian of the Shia Nation in Iran. 
> Women and the rest of the poor  are the main victims
> of this “theological exercise” and they have had
> enough . Nothing short of the complete overthrow of
> this violent , corrupt order will satisfy  their basic
> demand for a right to live. 
> Women's’ Committee of Workers Left Unity-Iran April
> 2001
> Support Iranian women by signing the statement below:
> In the province of Khorassan , over 20 prostitutes  (
> 12 in Mashad and at least another 10 in Bojnourd and
> Shahroud )are the latest victims of ‘serial‘ murders
> in Iran. The method and brutality of their death, as
> well as claims by fundamentalist sects , leaves little
> doubt that they  were victims of ‘religious’ murders.
> We condemn serial murders of prostitutes in Iran and
> call on the International community , human rights
> organisations to campaign for the abolition of
> medieval religious punishments against women in  Iran 
> such as flogging , ‘stoning to death’ an serial
> killing of prostitutes. 
> fax 44  870  1257959
> =====
> Fax 004631 139897  00448701257959
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