We've had a tragedy over the weekend. A major hardware failure. This was
partly a result of the dramatic increase in activity our facilities
underwent during the recent protests surrounding the Summit of the
Americas in Quebec City.

We have lost our main /home paritition, and most of the data that was on
it. In all likelyhood, if you are a tao user, this is your data that was
lost. We hope you have backups. Most of our backups were destroyed, as the
hardware failure happened, yesterday, Sunday, when we were trying to
install a new drive.

this was the last uptime we had:

  4:30pm  up  5:44,  7 users,  load average: 164.11, 154.85, 111.92

note the last three sets of numbers. they've never been that high on the
dojo. this was a major system failure...

Please contact us via [EMAIL PROTECTED] and we can try and help you. Obviously
this is a major set back for us, and could not have come at a worse time.
What follows is an announcement we were going to send out this weekend,
but the hardware troubles prevented us from doing so. We now send this out
with extra urgency, and more desperation when we ask for your help.

It is a challenge for us to provide facilities that are used by thousands
of activists and revolutionaries around the world. We are volunteers, and
spend our time working for social change, so when we have to do hardware
work, it is an extra burden. This last weekend has been very stressful, as
it comes only a week after we were active in one of the largest
demonstrations this side of North America...

TAO Communications
P.O. Box 108 Station P Toronto Ont M5S 2S8 Canada

Your contributions and solidarity are urgently requested to follow-up
TAO capacities and skills in actions against global capitalism in Quebec

TAO delivered on our offer to inform street activists' decision-making by
coordinating ourselves through bilingual liaisons and applying our labour
on the ground with the confidence of being recognizable in person.
Protest strategies benefited from direct access to information kept open
by dedicated tao workers.

Our focus on equipping medics in general and communications workers in
other anti-FTAA groups in particular strengthened the solidarity necessary
to repeatedly confront the security fence and reliably share intelligence
throughout the city.  An autoworker union organizer said our
communications practices were the best -- we share her praise with each
and all of you TAO contributors, supporters, workers, and operatives.

Heavy on-line footsteps have put our main TAO server - dojo.tao.ca - on
its last legs.  TAO off-line workers urgently request your contributions
for the maintenance and development of our shared resouces such as dojo.
Send money and/or gear to TAO P.O. Box 108, Station 'P', Toronto, ON,
Canada M5S 2S8.

Active TAO member Jaggi Sing of the Anti-Capitalist Convergence -
www.tao.ca/~clac - remains in jail after being kidnapped April 20 in
Quebec City.  Yesterday, April 26, Jaggi's bail was refused.  Your
solidarity is needed to organize for Jaggi's freedom and against any
impunity of state agents (like a death squad, plain-clothed thugs beat
Jaggi without provocation, threw him in their unmarked vehicle, and raced

We look forward to your renewed contributions and solidarity.

TAO Toronto collective

Please forward this message and ask others to support us. If there ever
was a time we needed support, it is now...

Macdonald Stainsby
Rad-Green List: Radical anti-capitalist environmental discussion.
Leninist-International: Building bridges in the tradition of V.I. Lenin.
In the contradiction lies the hope.
                                     --Bertholt Brecht

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