
junkyardspar...@yepmail.net writes:

> [...]
> Regarding the calibrate.py script, I had an "interesting" time
> getting the dependencies in line... it seems that it's been active
> times in the world of linear algebra software lately, involving
> much breakage of backwards compatibility... to make a long story
> short, I had to fall back to older versions of numpy and lapack
> (1.8.2 and 3.3.1, respectively) to build a scipy that played
> nicely with the script... in case that's useful information for
> anybody else trying to make it work.

"leastsq" is a very old and basic function from scipy, and the only
one calibrate.py calls.  Any idea about the cause of this trouble?

> Also, the link to information about names for makers and mounts in
> the the script is 404, and since it's a shortened link, I'm not
> sure what it pointed to, exactly.

Yes, indeed.  It is fixed.

> Rather than do a full checkout of the ownCloud repository, I just
> downloaded the directory I wanted, then uploaded the resulting
> lenses.txt and lensfun.xml files after calibration, as well as
> moving the files to a newly created "distortion" directory, all
> using the web interface. Since the same files were used for tca, I
> just created that directory and left a note in it to that effect,
> rather than duplicate the files. The instructions seem to indicate
> that uploading the other resulting files (.pto, etc) isn't
> desired, so I didn't. Is this ok, or should I do something
> differently?

If it works for you, it sounds fine – I am not an expert with

> Also, found this tutorial helpful, and didn't notice them linked
> in any of the instructions:
>  http://hugin.sourceforge.net/tutorials/calibration/en.shtml

Yes, this is the origin of the method I recommend.

> Since recent hugin versions don't display the correction
> parameters in a copy-friendly manner, I just exported an .ini lens
> data file for each of the focal lengths, then used the attached
> quick'n'dirty script to scrape the data into the lenses.txt file,
> in case anybody else finds that method useful.

I right-click on the correction parameters and choose "edit image
parameters".  Then, I can copy-and-paste.  Not perfect but works for


Torsten Bronger    Jabber ID: torsten.bron...@jabber.rwth-aachen.de

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