Am Thu, 28 Nov 2019 21:28:35 -0500
schrieb Adam Keck <>:

Hi Adam,

I fear, my problem is more Ubuntu / Darktable related, than a lensfun
problem, but mabye I am wrong. The problem with Ubuntu is, that the
newest exiv2-version is 0.25, while 0.26 is needed for an
exiv2-configuration file.

I have downloaded a newer exiv2-version and set the environment-variable

which exiv2

So I can use

$ exiv2 --version
exiv2 0.27.2

But I think this exiv2-version is not used by other programms,
especially programms which use

I have
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/, which was installed by
dependencies automatically
and I copied these files from my manual download

This I got with my local exiv2:

$ exiv2 -pt R00001.DNG |grep -i 'lens\|model\|make'

Exif.Image.Make                              Ascii      30  RICOH

Exif.Image.Model                             Ascii      20  RICOH GR

Exif.Image.UniqueCameraModel                 Ascii      13  RICOH GR III

So there is no lens id and maybe my problem is not exiv2-related.

The annoying thing is to choose a lens for every photo. See attached
screenshot (I hope it isn't removed in the mailinglist)

It doesn't matter how I call the lens, If I change it to eg

<model lang="en">fixed lens</model>
<model lang="de">festes Objektiv</model>

I see "fixed lens" and have to choose this.


> Hi Al,
>   I may not be correct in this understanding, but I think exiftool is
> separate from lensfun. The GR III has a fixed lens so lensfun-based
> software (e.g., Darktable) will probably get the lens right once the
> camera is detected if your lensfun XML is correct. However exiftool
> is looking at the metadata in the GR III image itself - which is
> either zeroed in GR III images, or in a format unrecognized by
> exiftool. There's another metadata tool called exiv2. Try that as
> well to see if it recognizes GR III lens metadata.
> -Adam
> On Thu, Nov 28, 2019 at 17:00 Аl Воgnеr <>
> wrote:
> > I am trying to setup a profile for a Ricoh GR III using Ubuntu
> > 19.10 and Lensfun 0.3.2-4.
> >
> > The lenscorrection-data I found in the web, but to inlcude it in my
> > Ubuntu-PC, so that the profile is recognized automatically, is not
> > so easy.
> >
> > I put the xml-file in:
> >
> > ~/.local/share/lensfun
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------------------
> > cat ~/.local/share/lensfun/gr3.xml
> >
> > <lensdatabase version="1">
> >         <camera>
> >                 <maker>RICOH IMAGING COMPANY, LTD.</maker>
> >                 <model>RICOH GR III</model>
> >                 <mount>RICOHGR3</mount>
> >                 <cropfactor>1.53</cropfactor>
> >         </camera>
> >
> >     <lens>
> >         <maker>RICOH IMAGING COMPANY, LTD.</maker>
> >         <model>RICOH GR III</model>
> >         <model lang="en">GR Lens</model>
> >         <mount>RICOHGR3</mount>
> >         <cropfactor>1.53</cropfactor>
> >         <calibration>
> >            <distortion model="ptlens" focal="18.3" a="0.013"
> > b="-0.035" ...
> >     k3="-0.1380186" /> </calibration> </lens> </lensdatabase>
> > ---------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > exiftool reports:
> > [EXIF]          0x0110 Camera Model Name               : RICOH GR
> > III [EXIF]          0xc614 Unique Camera Model             : RICOH
> > GR III [MakerNotes]    0x0000 Lens Type                       : GR
> > Lens [Composite]          - Lens ID                         : GR
> > Lens
> >
> > The camera is recognized, but not the lens.
> >
> > Al
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Lensfun-users mailing list
> >
> >
> >

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