On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 8:12 AM, Edward K. Ream <edream...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> - License fixed (see my previous post)
> I'll do this if need be.  But I need much more convincing.

I often tell BSD folks that the GPL is like disciplined organizing (like
cadre-based organizations) -- or it's a substitute for that in a general
culture that doesn't much appreciate that sort of thing.  Hard core
organizer types are often abrasive to many people, but discipline and formal
protocols are highly advisable when taking on a suitably large and insidious
foe (which is not capitalism in this case, though I doubt you misunderstand
that about RMS and the free software folks).  I find myself able to get
along well enough with both camps -- and have worked with RMS directly on
numerous occasions, but I attribute that to having done some decidedly
"rigorous" labor organizing work.  RMS is a very fortunate thing for
computer logic liberation -- perhaps in large measure because of a condition
which he has acknowledged on more than several occasions that he might have,
he has provided the intensely principled activity and leadership for 20
years that most people don't really understand the fundamental importance
of.  I've been at the receiving end of RMS's intensity numerous times, but I
have never, ever seen that in anything but the most appreciative spirit.  We
really owe so much to the guy, and specifically to his "intensely
principled" -- if you want to see that as an euphemism, then so be it --
approach to life and his cause, as well as to the singularly powerful
reverse jiu jitsu of the GPL.

If you can appreciate that the GPL serves a special purpose, you might find
more avenues for accommodation, I don't know . . .


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