I'm having trouble setting up the file association on windows vista so
that when I double click on a file it opens leo with that file.  I
didn't have problems setting up windows xp for this.

I'm having trouble with the directions at

For step 5 I'm not sure what it means by setting up a short-cut
“Target = C:Python25pythonw.exe “C:Python25Libsite-
packagesleolaunchLeo.py” Start in = D:code ”.  Target isn't a dos
command.  I don't understand how to do this.

I skipped step 5 and moved on to step 6 with ftype and assoc.  The doc
looks link one command <Associate .leo filetype batch file:
ftype LeoFile=C:Python25pythonw.exe “C:Python25Libsite-
packagesleolaunchLeo.py” “%1” assoc .leo=LeoFile>.  It took me a while
to figure out ftype and assoc were 2 separate commands.  I tried these
dos commands:
ftype LeoFile="C:\Program Files\Python26\python.exe" “C:\Program Files
\leo\Leo-4-6-2-final\launchLeo.py" "%1”

assoc .leo=LeoFile
note:  I changed pythonw.exe to python.exe.  When I double click
a .leo file, I get a flash of the python console and leo never pops

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