I've just pushed unit tests for some of @root functionality.  Most of
them fail. It's not yet clear whether that has more to do with the
test scaffolding or actual @root failures; probably both.

Multiple @root directives in a body are currently "untestable", in
that the test scaffolding uses a hack to tangle into a single string,
bypassing file generation.  Multiple @root directives will require
something like tangling into a dictionary, keyed by the file names -
or perhaps we can drop the hack and tangle into actual files, then use
file comparisons (against @asis output?).

Untangling is completely untested.  Since every tangle should have a
successful corresponding untangle, I'm leaning toward modifying
runAtFileTest to test using the same input tree/output data.

The work on allowing @root in headlines appears to be well on its way,
if not finished.  @root in the body remains supported (I'm relieved).
runAtFileTest appears not to support testing of @root in the headline;
I'll see what I can do about that.

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