On Jun 3, 7:15 am, "Zoom.Quiet" <zoom.qu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 18:37, zpcspm <zpc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I just do "Import to @file", then change @file to @shadow and restart
> > leo.
> restart Leo is tooo hard...
> many time,just for SVN/CVS/Hg ...
> auto upgrade some version info. such as:
> #__author__  = "$Author: tangjianwei $"
> #__date__    = "$Date: 2010-04-02 12:50:56 +0800 (五, 2010-04-02) $"
> #__revision__= "$Rev: 15742 $"
> #__url__     = 
> "$URL:http://svn.rdev.kingsoft.net/matter/trunk/sa.defines/hosts$";
> > Not sure this is the best way, but it seems to work.

The "Read @<file> Nodes" works to incorporate external changes in the
tree, though it does generate an incorrect message:

"no @<file> nodes in the selected tree".

...which is either harmless or an indication that there is a Leo bug
that needs to be
fixed (something not recognizing @shadow as an @<file>, or the @shadow
attempting to do more than it needs to).  Other than that message, the
result is correct.

    - Stephen

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