Many thanks to Edward, Ville, and Terry for all the great new features. I 
was not aware of the the qttabs gui and will definitely give it a try.

My preference for a fixed layout work area and a mostly mouse-free 
user-experience may be a relic of a bygone computing age. For whatever 
reason, my eyes and hands are basically wired to work in a very predictable 
environment when my mind is in a 'flow' state. These are not separate issues 
for me.

Having stated my desire for such an environment though, I will confess that 
complicated 'chords' certainly seems a short-coming of a keyboard-based UI. 
After sustained and intense work sessions, my hands (and esp. pinkies) 
usually feel awful. And for some reason, the modal approach of VI just 
didn't work for me when I first set out to select an editor. In hindsight, 
VI's more economical approach to keystrokes has it's merit. For Leo, perhaps 
a 'modal' control key (like Alt-t, Alt-d) that also switches to that pane 
(tab) is a good direction. For instance, (Esc-f for *Find*, Esc-l for "Log") 
regardless of which pane those tabs are located, and each tab has it's modal 
set of bindings. I think the main reason why the 'modal' approach of VI was 
awkward for me then was the lack of a switch to a different looking area or 
"screen". Certainly, Alt-t and Alt-d seems very natural in Leo.

Summary: top level key-bindings for selecting the context (Alt-t and Alt-d) 
should be universal for Leo, modal key bindings in each tab or pane can be 
flexible would be my preference.

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