Hello all,

I implemented something in a Leo outline yesterday, but I feel my code is absolutely atrocious.

One of the ways I use Leo is as an information management/database for when I'm running tabletop RPGs. Such games involve a fair amount of similarly structure data. I set out to make a way of defining a template, and providing macro expansions within the template, so that the user could click a script button, be prompted for data, and be rewarded with a fully-populated copy of the template. I've managed to accomplish this with the code below:


Now, that seems like an atrocious amount of code, and a lot of it feels like too much work... but it was a hack, and it works.

How it works is like this:

- Create a `@template` node.  This is the parent node for your template.

- Create a `@destination` node as a child of the @template node. This node's headline is the name of a top level node where your completed template will be placed. `@destination Sessions` will place the finished product under the top-level "Sessions" node.

- Populate the @template node with various `@item` nodes - these keep their structure in the filled template. Anything that needs to be a part of the final product has to be an @item node.

All of that is fine and dandy if you just want to copy and paste... but that's already baked into Leo. So I added macro expansion. The script gathers up all instances of anything that fits the regex "<\$\w+>" is a macro variable name. Something like `<$name>` or `<$date>`. The script gathers up all of these variable names, and prompts the user (ala todo.py's "Redistribute Priorities" function) for values for each of them. They are global with respect to the template, so using the same macro variable in multiple places in the same template will result in all of them being filled in with the same value.

In addition, there is one more type of node that can go under @template nodes - @default. @default nodes provide a default value for a macro variable. The node with a headline of `@default <$name>` and a body of "This is my body" gives the `<$name>` macro a value of "This is my body" everywhere within the template, and that macro will not be prompted for a value. This is handy if you're copying templates between Leo worksheets, and want them flexible, but don't want them to fill in the same value for every single invocation of copy-template.

Here's an example template:

@template <$campaign> Session #<$num> ($date)
      @destination Sessions
      @default <$campaign>
      @item Who's Coming?
      @item In-World Start Date
      @item Log
      @item Threads
            @item High Priority
            @item Low Priority
      @item News
            @item Out of Character
            @item In Character

The body of `@default <$campaign>` is "World of Ka'rim". The body of `@item Who's Coming?` is "John, Jane, Jack, Jenny, Jeremy".

Running copy-template on this template, and filling the values prompted for (<$num> and <$date>) gives the following under the top-level node Sessions:

World of Ka'rim Session #1 (01 May 2013)
      Who's Coming?
      In-World Start Date
            High Priority
            Low Priority
            Out of Character
            In Character

The headlines bodies are correctly filled in with macro expansions, and other text is verbatim copied from the respective headlines and bodies.

So... two questions:

1.) Did I re-implement something Leo already does?
2.) Anyone have any suggestions on reducing the amount of code/any fixes?

Also, hope someone else finds this useful. Once it's cleaned up, I might do a leo-editor blog post about it.


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