Ahh, good catch. I re-installed Leo into a different directory and Leo 
created the spellpyx.txt file and I was able to copy over a newer one and 
have Leo 'clean' it. Thanks for the suggestion!


On Saturday, November 16, 2013 8:42:53 PM UTC-5, Jacob Peck wrote:
> On 11/16/2013 8:35 PM, Largo84 wrote: 
> > I just installed Leo 4.11 final on both a Win7 and a Win8 machine (Leo 
> > 4.11 final, build 5020, 2012-02-26 13:18:08 -0600, Python 2.7.3, qt 
> > version 4.8.4, Windows 6, 2, 9200, 2) 
> > 
> > At first get this: 
> > 
> > can not create: C:\Program Files 
> > (x86)\Leo-4.11-final\leo\plugins\spellpyx.txt 
> > 
> > Then after copying a spellpyx.txt from a previous installation I get 
> this: 
> > 
> > cleaning C:\Program Files (x86)\Leo-4.11-final\leo\plugins\spellpyx.txt 
> > Traceback (most recent call last): 
> >   File "C:\Program Files 
> > (x86)\Leo-4.11-final\leo\core\leoEditCommands.py", line 10950, in 
> > open_dict 
> >     self.clean_dict(fn) 
> >   File "C:\Program Files 
> > (x86)\Leo-4.11-final\leo\core\leoEditCommands.py", line 10913, in 
> > clean_dict 
> >     f = open(fn,mode='wb') 
> > IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'C:\\Program Files 
> > (x86)\\Leo-4.11-final\\leo\\plugins\\spellpyx.txt' 
> > not a valid dictionary file C:\Program Files 
> > (x86)\Leo-4.11-final\leo\plugins\spellpyx.txt 
> > 
> > The odd thing is that spell checking seems to work fine despite these 
> > errors. Should I file a bug report? 
> > 
> > Rob............. 
> > 
> Hmmmmmm.  This sounds like Windows getting picky about permissions in 
> the "Program Files" directories.  Leo, Matt, and whomever else does the 
> installer stuff: on Windows 7 and 8, the Program Files directories are 
> semi-protected, akin to linux permissions.  The best course of action is 
> to install in a place that *isn't* under Program Files.  Something like 
> 'C:\leo-4.11-final' would be fine. 
> -->Jake 

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