On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 6:00 PM, Peter Mills <peter.m.mil...@gmail.com>wrote:

I assume I should get a GitHub account (as HaveF has suggested), install
> git, and of course use Leo to make any changes.  What sort of access
> approvals do I need and are you willing to have a newbie play in your
> sandpit?
Yes, you should get a GitHub account.  Let me know when you have it set up
and I'll give you write access.  I've already made many refactorings to the
code.  You will want to start with the latest code and review what I did.
There are several more changes I will make today.

After yesterday's work, I understand the new code literally line by line.
Imagine my surprise when I realized that it doesn't support anything
"fancy", it simply supports a full-featured html browser.  All the usual
suspects, Ville, Terry, et. al., probably realized the implications long
ago: all the features shown in your screen shots (especially VR2test2.png)
come from html itself, aided by docutils, matplotlib, mathjax etc.

Could you share the Leo outlines (and css, if relevant) used to generate
your example screen shots?  I'd like to see exactly how they were created.
Using the VR2 plugins is easy, but I want to make sure everyone (including
me) understands how to get the most of what you have created.



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