I was away after this thread:

and I came back to this post (also for reporting the same scroll jump 
issue). It seems the clock didn't move (for me:-)

I read your post about M-H in the stc group. Didn't know that you are 
(were?) a closet Prolog user. A crazy thought: how about a Prolog port for 
Leo? A rule based approach would fit the principled philosophy of Leo very 
well. And Python performance is rather wanting. I don't know if you have 
ever checked out SWI's pce-emacs editor. It has more advanced IDE features 
than anything I've seen even though the GUI may be aged. Of course the fact 
that all your programs are part of a clause base makes querying them rather 
a breeze. Querying Leo nodes should be just as natural a fit.

In case if you think this is too far fetched there is a recent port of the 
Prolog editor to Qt: https://github.com/CapelliC/pqConsole which may help 
pave the way.

On Monday, March 24, 2014 9:37:05 AM UTC-7, Edward K. Ream wrote:
> As some of you know, I recently restarted work on type-related programming 
> tools:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/python-static-type-checking/Vhy_w5bCH8I
> The purpose of this project has always been to create new tools **for 
> Leo**, so this is (broadly speaking) still part of the Leo project.
> In important ways, the existing pylint project already does everything 
> that one could want, but I have a great interest in discovering *exactly* 
> how it works.  I suspect very few people besides the pylint developers 
> themselves know much about that, which is too bad.
> pylint is a fascinating and fantastic tool.  Mastering all it's techniques 
> promises lead to other tools. The code is way too complex to understand 
> just by reading the sources.  One must actually execute the code to see 
> what it is doing and how.  
> I am using the g.SherlockTracing class to do the executing.  This is, in 
> essence, and alternate version of pdb, with many cool features.  See the 
> docstring for an overview.  The --tt option to pylint-leo.py runs pylint on 
> a test .py file, with Sherlock traces enabled as specified in pylint-leo.py.
> ArmageDOOM asked on #leo why one should use Sherlock instead of g.trace.  
> The answer is that one can enable and disable traces *without* changing the 
> source code in any way.  For example, I am presently investigating the code 
> using these two tracing strings::
>     '+PyLinter::add_message',
>     '+:.*typecheck.py',
> The first string enables only the add_message method of the PyLinter 
> class.  The second enables *all* defs in typecheck.py.
> I have been tweaking the SherlockTracing class all morning to make it 
> better suited to the task at hand.  I also changed one of the __repr__ 
> methods in pylint itself.  The output of __repr__ is now less verbose, 
> making the Sherlock traces easier to understand.
> Edward
> P.S.  The same general remarks apply to the Rope refactoring tool.  It's 
> worth studying in it's own right, and that study might allow Rope to be 
> incorporated into Leo in some way.

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