On Mon, 30 Jun 2014 02:15:17 -0700 (PDT)
Fidel N <fidelpe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> def on_idle(tag, keywords):
>     g.es("iddle timer")
> g.registerHandler("idle", on_idle)
> g.enableIdleTimeHook(idleTimeDelay=5000)

Edward alluded to some of this in his response, but I'd say:

Never heard of the idleTimeDelay parameter, not sure I believe it
works that way, what if someone else started it with a delay of
1000, or it's just being called on idle by Qt's definition of idle,
so it could be a doc. bug.  I do this:

import time
c._todo_1_next = time.time() + 60  # fire once every 60 sec.

then the hook code looks like this

def check(tag, keywords, c=c):
    if keywords['c'] != c:
    now = time.time()
    if now < c._todo_1_next:
    c._todo_1_next = now + 60

so although it's called once for every outline (c) open, it only fires
for the one it was defined in (it was defined by a @script in on
particular outline).

Cheers -Terry

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