On Tue, 8 Jul 2014 08:18:04 -0500
Kent Tenney <kten...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Wondering about current status and potential direction:

I'm wondering what the difference between @auto with persistence and
@shadow is... is @shadow not trusted enough or has limitations that
need addressing?

I'm not aware of a solution for @auto persistence which would look much
different than @shadow.

Cheers -Terry

> There have been a couple of mentions of @auto nodes
> gaining persistence, what are the chances of this happening
> in core? Something like persistent UAs, such that
> @auto <file.py> would store the UAs of the tree, putting
> them in it's UA.
> I'll start on scaffolding outside Leo to persist @auto nodes
> if this isn't going to happen, but core would be nice.
> #cough#(someone else does the work)#cough#
> I think there would be potential benefits beyond my
> particular proclivities. No other tool offers
> the power of transparently bringing the power of a
> database to code in this way.
> There is also a pretty old bug in 'refresh from disk'
> just saying ...
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/leo-editor/Qp4D74Ig_jY
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/leo-editor/+bug/1259127
> Thanks,
> Kent
> PS
> I've realized another reason @file doesn't interest me other
> than the problem with sentinels when editing outside Leo.
> I place a lot of value on structuring with Leo, the huge benefit
> of hierarchical arrangement of headline/body pairs. Content
> that lives in the Leo file gains value through the power of outlining.
> However, when working with source code, I consider the correct
> structure to be that provided by the language: declarations,
> functions, classes, methods ... exactly what @auto does, no more, no
> less.
> Of course this is a matter of taste, not correctness.

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