I think so, the only way a URL can be detected within a string is through 
the http// in the beginning.

The fact is that common URL detection is being used for opening the url's, 
meaning, the "common" url detection script doesnt take the advantage of 
knowing that the node is a @url node to "guess" that any other strings than 
http ones can also be links. (This is my take on this, I didn't check the 
code to confirm it)

There are two ways out of this that I can think of, I would just replace 
any weblink I had into starting with http:
A script such as:

for p in c.p.all_positions():
    if p.startswith("@url"):
        p.h = p.h.replace("www.","http://www.";)
        p.b = p.b.replace("www.","http://www.";)
should do the trick.

The other way out is finding and editing the control+click binding -> 
control +click command, then edit that code to also identify "www.xxx" as 

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