On Tue, 19 Aug 2014 13:24:35 -0700
Segundo Bob <segundo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 08/19/2014 11:48 AM, 'Terry Brown' via leo-editor wrote:
> > Note than you can do this(*) in Leo already:
> >
> >    c.sel<ctrl-space>
> >
> > shows completions, so I select one then
> >
> >    c.selectPosition<ctrl-space>?<enter>
> When I hit <enter> after selecting "selectPosition," I get the

It would have to be c.selectPosition... I guess I'm not sure where
you're getting that.

You can also just type

   c.selec<ctrl-space><arrow-key to method of interest>?

Oh, I have 

  @bool use_qcompleter = True

in myLeoSettings.leo, maybe that's it?

Cheers -Terry

> following error message in the log pane:
> Unexpected exception...
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "/home/ldi/git/leo-editor/leo/core/leoUndo.py", line 1323, in 
> setUndoTypingParams
>      old_start,old_end = oldSel
> TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
> My test system is:
> Xubuntu32 14.04
> Leo Log Window
> Leo 4.11 final, build 20140818173142, Mon Aug 18 17:31:42 CDT 2014
> Git repo info: branch = master, commit = 83f4270014f4
> Python 2.7.6, PyQt version 4.8.6
> linux2

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