<alt-x> add-editor
when returning focus to lh window:

** isPython3: False
Leo 4.11 final, build 20140903205542, Wed Sep  3 20:55:42 CDT 2014
Git repo info: branch = master, commit = 4a84122e672b
Python 2.7.6, PyQt version 4.8.6
setting leoID from os.getenv('USER'): 'ktenney'
reading settings in /var/fetching/leo-editor/leo/config/leoSettings.leo
reading settings in /home/ktenney/develop/myLeoSettings.leo
Using default leo file name:
reading settings in /var/fetching/leo-editor/leo/doc/CheatSheet.leo
wrote recent file: /home/ktenney/.leo/.leoRecentFiles.txt
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/fetching/leo-editor/leo/plugins/qtGui.py", line 7002, in
  File "/var/fetching/leo-editor/leo/plugins/qtGui.py", line 2162, in onFocusIn
  File "/var/fetching/leo-editor/leo/plugins/qtGui.py", line 1905, in
    val = self.selectEditorHelper(wrapper)
  File "/var/fetching/leo-editor/leo/plugins/qtGui.py", line 1942, in
  File "/var/fetching/leo-editor/leo/core/leoCommands.py", line 7439, in redraw
    p2 = c.frame.tree.redraw(p)
  File "/var/fetching/leo-editor/leo/plugins/baseNativeTree.py", line
152, in full_redraw
  File "/var/fetching/leo-editor/leo/plugins/baseNativeTree.py", line
230, in drawTopTree
  File "/var/fetching/leo-editor/leo/plugins/baseNativeTree.py", line
242, in drawTree
    item = self.drawNode(p,parent_item)
  File "/var/fetching/leo-editor/leo/plugins/baseNativeTree.py", line
199, in drawNode
    item = self.createTreeItem(p,parent_item)
  File "/var/fetching/leo-editor/leo/plugins/qtGui.py", line 4940, in
    g.visit_tree_item(self.c, p, item)
  File "/var/fetching/leo-editor/leo/core/leoPlugins.py", line 64, in __call__
    ret = cmd(*args, **kw)
  File "/var/fetching/leo-editor/leo/plugins/valuespace.py", line 205,
in colorize_headlines_visitor
    if p.h.startswith("!= "):
  File "/var/fetching/leo-editor/leo/core/leoNodes.py", line 350, in __get_h
    return p.headString()
  File "/var/fetching/leo-editor/leo/core/leoNodes.py", line 436, in headString
    return self.v.headString()
  File "/var/fetching/leo-editor/leo/core/leoNodes.py", line 2119, in headString
    if not g.isUnicode(self._headString):
  File "/var/fetching/leo-editor/leo/core/leoGlobals.py", line 4872,
in isUnicode
    return type(s) == types.UnicodeType
RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object

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