On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 12:46 AM, 'Terry Brown' via leo-editor <
leo-editor@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> So just to be clear, currently you can Ctrl-click
> https://docs.python.org/3/library/http.server.html#http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler.responses
> or any other link and Leo will cause your system web browser to open
> that - unless it's a link like
> file:///home/tbrown/some/path/myfile.leo#Top%20Node->Next%20->Target%20Node
> which would cause Leo to jump to that node in that file.
> So that's there - I think you're asking for "word-based anchors",
> meaning that rather than the above verbose and ugly urls, you see only
> short phrases like "responses" or "Target Node"... am I right?

Sure, what I would like to see on the screen, within the editing pane, is
just the anchor, e.g. ClickMeToJumpThere, to which the hyperlink is
associated. The ugly text of the hyperlink would remain hidden underneath.

> Leo doesn't do that but it would be extremely useful if it did.  Once
> the basic machinery was in place we could have all kinds of responses
> bound to short, visually low impact in-text links.

I am very glad that the need and the usefulness of those is appreciated.
I totally agree with you: something with a low visual impact is the best.
Since colorizing within the editing pane is already supported, I think we
could just have the links indicated with a given color, and that's all you
see on the surface. Or, at most, we might enclose the hyperlink's anchor
with the < and > characters, so that we would have <ClickMeIAmALink>, but
this of course may not even be necessary if we use colorizing. Or we may
have both colorizing and the < > convention (or [ ] for that matter).

>The body editor's a text editor,

> having separate data associated with specific pieces of text is not
> what text editors do, it's what wysiwyg editors do.

I think we may be able to strike a midway compromise here, unless you are
willing to go all the way and implement a full wysiwyg mode with hyperlink
support, which of course would be very welcome. <http://ckeditor.com/demo>
I am not familiar with http://ckeditor.com/demo, but I remember trying your
rich text editing mode some time ago. It was fine, but IIRC it needed more
polishing. If you could build on that and add to it the support for
hyperlinks (which may not be as complicated as it might seem), it would be
great. Otherwise, simple hyperlink support with colorization in the
standard editing pane, as indicated above, would also be fine.

What I looking forward to is a Leo-based fully interconnected wiki-like
data system. Are you developers willing to explore the possibility of
developing Leo in this direction? Leo would greatly benefit from this
enhancement, especially considering that nowadays wikis are very popular.

All the best,


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