>Leo already supports internal wikilinks as

What is meant by 'supports'?

I'm hoping it means a clickable which will set focus to the node
described by file://...Setup

according to my attempts, it doesn't.


On Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 11:54 AM, 'Terry Brown' via leo-editor
<leo-editor@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> I've just pushed a new plugin, wikiview, which can be enabled by
> adding wikiview.py to @enabled-plugins under @settings in
> myLeoSettings.leo.
> From the docstring:
> Hide text in the body editor, each time a new node is selected. Makes:
>   file://#some-->headlines-->mynode appear as mynode,
>   http://www.google.com/search as search, and
>   `Python <https://www.python.org/>`_ as Python
> full docs:
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leo-editor/leo-editor/master/leo/plugins/wikiview.py
> This plugin only addresses the visual aspects of wiki links.  Leo
> already supports internal wikilinks as
> file://#headline-->other%20headline-->Setup, which will now appear as
> just 'Setup' with this pluing active.
> Cheers -Terry
> --
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