I have been wondering whether it would be possible to use xslt to render 
.leo files from web pages. This would build on Ville's work.  First, a demo:

1. Copy the two attached files to the same folder on your hard drive.

Note: recent revs have added these two files to the top-level leo folder, 
so you could also use those files instead. Both demo files are now in the 
top-level leo-editor in the git repo *and* on leoeditor.com.

2. Open xslt-test.leo in your browser.  You should see something like this:

   This is a test
   node 1
      Node 1 text.
      node 2
      Node 2 text.
That is, browsers (tested with IE and Mozilla) can render .leo files on 
your file system as html.

Alas, there are problems rending .leo files from urls instead of files. But 
when we succeed we will have a read-only version of Leo as a web app!

===== About leo_to_html.xsl

Ville created leo_to_html.xsl, but I didn't understand its significance 
until early this morning.  This xslt file tells a web browser (or other 
xslt processor) how to render a .leo file as html.

I made several changes this morning to leo_to_html.xsl so that it works 
with the "tryit" editor for xslt at w3schools:

This editor is a good way to discover problems either in .xsl files 
themselves or references to .xsl files from .xml files.

===== Problems

It does not seem possible to use leo_to_html.xsl directly:

1.  Visiting http://leoeditor.com/xslt-test.leo does not work.  

The browser renders xslt-test.leo xml, not html.  That is, the browser does 
not perform the xslt transformations.

2. Visiting 
https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor/blob/master/xslt-test.leo shows 
the "raw" xml, without the xslt transformations being applied.

The reason is clear enough. The url is a *representation* of the .leo file, 
not the .leo file itself.

3. xslt-test.leo contains the following line::

    <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="leo_to_html.xsl"?>

This line is supposed to be set by the following setting::

    @string stylesheet = ekr_test

This default is useless, and setting it to::

    @string stylesheet = type="text/xsl" href="leo_to_html.xsl"

does not appear to work.  I'll look into this, but cutting and pasting the 
desired <?xml-stylesheet > element into .leo files should work well enough 
for testing.

4. By default, Mozilla refuses to render xslt-test.leo containing the 
following stylesheet element::

    <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="leoeditor.com/leo_to_html.xsl"?>

In other words, Mozilla refuses to execute "remote" .xsl files. A cryptic 
message is shown instead.  Googling that message gives:

Apparently Mozilla enforces "same origin" policy.  But it's no good 
relaxing that policy: browsers on smart phones are probably even more 

===== Conclusions

The tryit editor shows that it is possible to apply arbitrary xslt style 
sheets to arbitrary xml files.  We should be able to create a page, say on 
leoeditor.com, that would render .leo files properly using  
leo_to_html.xsl. The question is, how exactly to do this?

This is exciting, despite the problem listed above, and probably others.  
The xslt approach is almost infinitely easier than alternative approaches.

Once we can properly render, say, a link to a .leo file on GitHub, we can 
start improving leo_to_html.xsl.  The obvious thing to do is to change the 
xsl so that it generates html similar to that generated by Bernhard 
Mulder's mod_http plugin.

Your comments, please.


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Attachment: leo_to_html.xsl
Description: XML document

Attachment: xslt-test.leo
Description: Binary data

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