
I just installed Leo on my Windows 10 64-bit computer, but it won't load 

I installed Leo following the recommended installation instructions 

First I installed:

Python 3.5.1 64-bit
PyQt 5.6.0
Git 2.8.4 64-bit

Then I used the following command in Git Bash to install the latest version 
of Leo:

git clone https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor

which installed it here:


To run Leo, I run launchLeo.py from the above directory.

Here's the log when I first run Leo:

Leo Log Window
Leo 5.4-devel, build 20160412153848, Tue Apr 12 15:38:48 CDT 2016
Git repo info: branch = master, commit = 09002eae17d0
Python 3.5.1, PyQt version 5.6.0
Windows 10 AMD64 (build 10.0.10586) SP0
leoID=Dee (in C:\Users\Dee\.leo)
load dir: C:\Users\Dee\leo-editor\leo\core
global config dir: C:\Users\Dee\leo-editor\leo\config
home dir: C:\Users\Dee
reading settings in C:\Users\Dee\leo-editor\leo\config\leoSettings.leo
Using default leo file name:
loadOnePlugin: can not load enabled plugin: leo.plugins.viewrendered
reading settings in C:\Users\Dee\leo-editor\leo\doc\CheatSheet.leo

Then if I attempt to open the viewrendered pane, the log gives the 
following errors:

exception executing command
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Dee\leo-editor\leo\core\leoCommands.py", line 5348, in 
    val = command(event)
  File "C:\Users\Dee\leo-editor\leo\plugins\viewrendered.py", line 423, in 
  File "C:\Users\Dee\leo-editor\leo\plugins\viewrendered.py", line 309, in 
    controllers[c.hash()] = vr = ViewRenderedController(c)
  File "C:\Users\Dee\leo-editor\leo\plugins\viewrendered.py", line 490, in 
    self.html_class = QtWebKitWidgets.QWebView
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'QWebView'

Note: Prior to installing Leo as described above, I downloaded and briefly 
tried out the "Quick Install" version 
<https://sourceforge.net/projects/leo/files/Leo/Quick%20Install>, which 
uses PyQt version 4.8.7, and it worked fine.

I am very intrigued by Leo, so I'd be grateful for any assistance to get it 
working. :)

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