Hi again,

Great program so-far, excellent featureset no other program can compare to, 
but the small inconsistencies with regard to things that other programs do, 
and this doesn't quite do, are nagging me.

Like the non-default session storing feature.  Which doesn't quite fit the 
bill of saving "the entire session" but moreso "the visual orientation of 
the windows that you last had open"

To me, these are quite different things.

I wrote up a bug because I expect anything with a session-saving feature, 
to _automatically save the session_ the first time I try to close the 
program without saving a file explicitly, and then relaunch with the prior 
session reloaded.  This is something I just expect by default, because the 
vast majority of programs with a session feature operate in this manner.  

Further, the session saving ability for the program does not do similar 
things with regard to Sub3/N++ : temporarily storing any unsaved content.

I always am prompted to save my changes; i don't want to save the changes 
unless I want to write the files; but i _do_ want some temporary 
edit-buffer-state session saving.

Test case:

launch with subl3. 
start typing anything random. 
close it with mouse using window manager X button.
reopen it with subl3

This will cause your random typing to show up again, the same way you had 
it before closing. It does not prompt for saving anything. It just knows 
"this is how you left it" and restores everything. 

Notepad++ is also very similar but as I'm not natively on Windows, i won't 
give you a similar list of steps to complete the same.

launch with launchLeo.py --sesson-save 
create a new outline - untitled
type text
attempt to close window with window manager X button. 

dialog box for saving untitled comes up, -after-
    wrote /home/mike/.leo/leo.session

So if I just kill python at this point, to get rid of the save window, the 
session file is already written and causes a traceback upon starting the 
app again with --session-restore. 

The session file contains:
["/home/mike/.leo/workbook.leo#Leo's cheat sheet:1", "#NewHeadline:0"]m

Which to me, seems to imply this is honestly not a "session" but a "tab 
layout" saving plugin.

Unfortunate :(

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