Hello Edward.

Really nice to see that you are moving forward with this. I am very happy 
and glad that I referred Pyzo, although I was a bit reluctant to mention it 
with the assumption that it would disrupt the Leo/PlantUml discussion. 

One use case in Pyzo that I really used a lot in my previous movie project 
was the multiple interpreters feature in Pyzo. After looking at Leo, Leo 
could support multiple interpreters in the same session be defining them 
across two trees in the same outline. The Top level could define the 
interpreter settings etc and nodes below that could be cells.

On Saturday, January 7, 2017 at 9:21:19 PM UTC+8, Edward K. Ream wrote:
> Good Artists Copy; Great Artists Steal 
> <http://quoteinvestigator.com/2013/03/06/artists-steal/>--unknown/various
> tl;dr: pyzo is the work of a programming genius.  I'll use that genius to 
> improve Leo.
> Pyzo contains absolutely brilliant code that I shall be "borrowing" 
> freely.  The pyzo code is covered by the new BSD license, so that will have 
> to be reflected in various places.  No big deal.
> After studying pyzo briefly, four or five areas for improving Leo present 
> themselves:
> *ipython integration*
> pyzo defines and uses the yoton client/server library.  Leo will likely 
> use yoton just like pyzo does. This will be a major project, but imo it is 
> the future of Leo. It will make Leo a first-class IPython/Jupyter editor, 
> just as pyzo is. This project should reduce or eliminate the need for Leo's 
> IPython bridge. 
> *syntax coloring*
> pyzo's syntax coloring looks to be more than 10x faster than Leo's.  And 
> it's so much simpler. Leo simply must use this scheme.  It will take 
> considerable adapter code.
> In particular, pyzo uses brilliantly simple token-based parsers to guide 
> syntax coloring. These parsers use regex's to generate tokens.  At present, 
> pyzo can only colorize python and c. Leo will have to generate regex's for 
> each language using files in leo/modes.
> This project is worth any amount of work. It should allow us to remove the 
> odious "big text" buttons.
> *autocompletion*
> pyzo's autocompletion is simpler, faster and just plain better than Leo's. 
> I'm not sure yet whether it depends on ipython, but I'll use as much of the 
> pyzo code as possible.
> *key handling*
> Parts of Leo's key handling code are scandalously complex.  The pyzo code 
> is much simpler.  I'll check whether the front end of Leo's key handling 
> code can be simplified using the pyzo code as a model.
> *Tree handling*
> pyzo's tree handling code is super simple, but that's because the pyzo 
> code doesn't need to do much. In particular, the pyzo code need only 
> respond to mouse clicks and standard keys--it doesn't have to deal with 
> events generated by custom keys or python scripts.  Still, the code will be 
> worth a close look, to see if Leo's code could be improved.
> Edward

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