On Sunday, January 29, 2017 at 12:37:24 PM UTC-6, Edward K. Ream wrote:

> Work has begun in a new demo branch 

A breakthrough. The only difficult part of the old screencast plugin is 
handling characters during the demo itself. The screencast plugin contains 
lots of state-handling code.

But that's not necessary! The presenter should just bind the demo-next 
command to an *unbound *key!  Then everything should "just work".  No need 
for modes, (or minor modes ;-) or complex state-handling code.  It's a huge 
collapse in complexity.

I'm pretty sure this will work.  If it does, this plugin should be working 
in a few hours...


P. S. Engineering Notebook entry. Feel free to ignore.

Another Aha.  Going *forward* in the demo involves executing a demo 
script.  But going *backwards* in the demo should probably be just a matter 
of restoring the previously selected node.  It's not worth the trouble to 
try to undo a demo script. So both demo-next and demo-back make sense, but 
the do different things.  And after demo-back, demo-next should *not* 
re-execute the script. It should, again, just select the node that was 
selected *after* the next demo script finished executing.

All this implies that we need a list of demo scripts and positions.  And 
probably also commanders, because demo scripts could change commanders!  So 
the list will contain lists of State objects.


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