I plan no major changes in the docs for the 5.5 release, except to complete 
the release notes.

The major changes are to the following pages:

- Leo's home page <http://leoeditor.com/>: Pruned unnecessary words and 
changed the screen shot.

- Preliminaries <http://leoeditor.com/preliminaries.html>: This now shows 
only the top-level pages, emphasizing...

- A Brief Summary of Leo <http://leoeditor.com/preface.html>: Previously 
named "preface". Perhaps this should be rewritten in the org-mode intro 
style, but that's for some other time.

- Tutorials <http://leoeditor.com/tutorial.html>: This now contains 
references to four pages, one clearly labeled as for programmers. Removed 
quotes from all tutorial page.

- Leo in 10 Minutes <http://leoeditor.com/tutorial-basics.html>: Revised 
earlier today, to include more scripting material. It might take 20 minutes 

- Writing Leo scripts in Python 
<http://leoeditor.com/tutorial-scripting.html>: Revised earlier today. Some 
topics have moved to Leo in 10 minutes.

Imo, the recent discussions have greatly improved the docs. Please 
proof-read the pages listed above, and report any bad links, misspelling or 
other problems.  Thanks!


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