I suspect lots of people don't use clones because they seem too mysterious.

This post will be pre-writing for FAQ and tutorial discussions of clones. 
It's really, really easy.

Q: When can I delete a clone safely?

A: Any time! The only time you can "lose" data is when you delete a 
*non-cloned* node, save your work and exit Leo.

Q: What gets "lost" when I delete a non-cloned node?

A: The node, and all it's *non-cloned* children. In addition, if the node 
contains *all* clones of a cloned node, all copies of the cloned node will 
also be "lost".

Q: Anything else I should be careful about concerning clones?

Not really.  If you move *any* node out "underneath" an @file (@clean, etc) 
node, the contents of that node disappears from the external file.

I hope this encourages more people to use clones.  Leo's clone-find 
commands are something that every Leo programmers should be using every day.


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