Here is the Leo-Console alpha User Guide.

I hope it encourages all the eager users to test out Leo-Console. Feel free 
to edit and update as required; I am not attached in any way to the 
structure. Initially I started writing it to help me compare it with Leo 
and deal with the somewhat clunky feel of a console interface. I still need 
to add a requirements/installation section.

The guide has 3 goals
1. Introduce the Leo-Console interface and symbols
2. Describe the essential Leo-Console commands + limitations.
3. Detail the special features and use cases where Leo-Console will shine.

I haven't written anything on goal 3! This is likely a key part of the 
Leo-Console write-up. I'm not an expert on SSH connections so it's 
essential to get input from Terry and John Lunzer about those special 

*Leo-Console User Guide*

*Starting Leo-Console*
For optimal readability you should resize your console/terminal to a 
recommended minimum size of 100x35. Leo will crash on startup if the rows 
are less than 32.
You need to specify the Console gui with the command-line option: 

> --gui=console

If you give no file arguments on the command line Leo-Console will open 
~/.leo/workbook.leo (Leo's workbook file).
Initially, this file contains Leo’s cheat sheet and an example from the 
rst3 tutorial.

*File operations*
Leo-Console has no File menu. There is no way to open or create a new file 
from within Leo-Console; the path to the leo file must be included at the 
command line:

> --gui=console [path to leo file\file_name.leo]

*Leo-Console screen*
The Leo-Console screen consists of 4 windows: 

- Log Pane  (Messages from Leo are displayed here. )
- Tree Pane  (a.k.a outline pane in the fully featured Leo)
- Body Pane  (for body text)
- Minibuffer  (for command entry)
                                                            [Quit Leo] 

Please insert a suitable screen shot :)

*Window symbols*
The Tree Pane uses symbols in an an "Icon column", delimited by colons, to 
indicate the status of nodes. A node can have multiple status symbols. For 

- '*'  node is the selected node. 
-  T  node has text.
-  C  node is a clone.
-  M  node is marked.
There is limited navigation with the mouse. 
Mouse clicks properly switch nodes (change c.p)
Arrow-up and Arrow-down keys.

*Moving between window panes*
Tab - moves down from pane to pane.
Shift-Tab - moves up from pane to pane.
Mouse clicks switch between panes.
Select the [Quit Leo] button and <Enter> to exit.

*Editing *

*Editing a Node Headline*
Select the node you wish to edit, then press e to edit the node headline 
(return to end). 
i: to insert a new node.
d:  delete node

Headlines have a + or - indicating the node status.

[+:] an unexpanded node,
[-: ] an expanded node,
[   ] blank, a node without children.

*Editing Body text*
Use Tab to move down to the Body Pane, or Shift-Tab to move up to the Body 
Pane. Follow the prompts:
e to edit line (return to start a new line)
esc to end editing.
d to delete line.

*Executing a Script*
In the Tree Pane, select a node containing a script, then Ctrl-B (via 
[Ctrl] key + B)

*Keyboard commands*
Supported Ctrl commands:

- Ctrl-F

Unsupported Ctrl commands:

- Alt-S,
- Ctrl-Shift-S
- Ctrl-O
- Shift arrows  (not yet)

*Saving / Quitting*
Ctrl-Q, a Dialog box will display [Confirm. Save changes to <filename.leo> 
before quitting? Cancel OK] 
Press Enter, the Cancel response will highlight in yellow. Using the arrow 
key Select Cancel or OK as required , and press Enter again.

Ctrl-S  * Save (works for windows cmd.exe, but not Consolez)

Warning: If you Tab to the [Quit Leo] button, and press Enter, Leo will 
quit completely with no dialog box asking if you want to save your 
changes.You will lose data!

*Log pane features*

*Broadcast and Listening*
Leo can be setup as a typical broadcaster. Using a Leo 
session in another console, you can start a socket listener, listening to 
the broadcaster on localhost.

[ Leo Qt, (listener) ] <-------------< [ Leo cursesGui2, (broadcaster) ]

- In a separate console, start a regular Leo Qt session, then start the 
listener with the 'listen-to-log' command.
- In another console, start Leo with the console gui. This starts the 

- The log output will be displayed in the Leo Qt session console.

- Stopping the listener process. The 'kill-log-listener' command kills the 
listener, if it exists. Issue this command in the Leo Qt session.

*Notes - Limitations*
Cut/paste is theoretically supported, but in the absence of selections only 
paste might work.  And paste may work only in limited contexts...

Some commands can be run from the minibuffer, but there is no tab 
completion and no indication of what the correct command names are.



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