Coming from the recent Org-mode follow up topic 
<!topic/leo-editor/7OANSWcoOzg> I thought 
would I continue the Org-mode dialogue here after Israel Hands' last post 
in that thread. This thread is a follow-up to a separate Org-Mode thread 
that also took place back in Feb 
There was a lot of good conversation and a strong call for many Org-mode 
features. As a disclaimer, it is not my wish/goal for Leo to be emacs. But, 
emacs is a great piece of software with some great features, and mimicking 
a few could make day-to-day life within Leo more efficient.

There is a continued desire for displaying multiple nodes at once, to get a 
better feel for the overall content of a tree. I believe that Terry's work 
will address this and that once he releases what he has been working on 
that others will be able to contribute and help refine the vision for what 
a multi-node edit pane should be.

Another strong call was for better within-pane rendering (specifically 
Latex, but I think this would extend to other rendering as well).

In addition Edward listed:

   - An agenda plugin (possibly built on the To Do plugin)
   - Node drawers for "hidden" information (basically an easy way to edit 
   node uA )
   - Better shell support
   - Better language support (make, C, C++, Java)?

Of these it seems like Agenda has public interest. 

It seems either people don't understand the need for drawers or simply 
don't see them as I high priority item over many of the other org-mode 

Once there is a multi-node editor in place I plan on giving serious thought 
to better shell support (the sh library <> might 
be a good stepping stone).

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