On Mon, 20 Nov 2017 06:44:35 -0800 (PST)
Josef <joe...@gmx.net> wrote:

> Here is the log window.

Ah - looks like viewrendered's not loading :-}

Can you create a blank node in Leo, put

import leo.plugins.viewrendered

in the body, hit Ctrl-B, and post whatever shows up in the log when you
hit Ctrl-B?

Thanks, Terry

> BTW, on the old kubuntu setup viewrendered worked with the python2
> and PyQt4 that comes with kubuntu.
> I haven't got any other combination to work yet.
> This one is on my new xubuntu 16.4 installation, with python3
> installed via conda and PyQt5 installed via pip.
> The error message is always the same though, also with the other 
> combinations I tried.
> Leo Log Window
> Leo 5.6, build 20171115141637, Wed Nov 15 14:16:37 CST 2017
> Git repo info: branch = master, commit = 44c0248da75f
> Python 3.6.3, PyQt version 5.9.2
> linux
> isPython3: True
> caching enabled
> setting leoID from os.getenv('USER'): 'dalcolmo'
> load dir: /home/dalcolmo/prog/leo-editor/leo/core
> global config dir: /home/dalcolmo/prog/leo-editor/leo/config
> home dir: /home/dalcolmo
> reading settings in 
> /home/dalcolmo/prog/leo-editor/leo/config/leoSettings.leo
> Using default leo file name:
> /home/dalcolmo/.leo/workbook.leo
> loadOnePlugin: can not load enabled plugin: leo.plugins.viewrendered
> reading settings
> in /home/dalcolmo/prog/leo-editor/leo/doc/CheatSheet.leo

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