Couple of new things for bookmarks.

There's now a promote bookmark action, which moves the bookmark to the
beginning of the list - I find myself doing this manually a lot.  Being
able to do it in one action is better.

Also, the keyboard modifiers for left-clicks on bookmarks are now

@data bookmarks-modifiers
    # These control the effects of modifiers (Shift, Control, Alt) on left
    # clicks on bookmarks.  Available modifiers are:
    #     None AltControl ControlShift Alt Control Shift
    #     AltShift AltControlShift
    # Available actions are:
    #     goto_bookmark update_bookmark rename_bookmark edit_bookmark
    #     delete_bookmark add_child navigate hoist promote
    # There's one more action than modifier combo., so you have to work
    # out what you don't want.  `promote` is missing by default.
    None goto_bookmark
    AltControl update_bookmark
    ControlShift rename_bookmark
    Alt edit_bookmark
    Control delete_bookmark
    Shift add_child
    AltShift navigate
    AltControlShift hoist

Cheers -Terry

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