On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 2:42 AM, vitalije <vitali...@gmail.com> wrote:

Last summer I had this idea of using another open source editor and adding
> features unique to Leo. I did considered several editors implemented in
> browser or browser-like environment. That includes Atom, but also
> LightTable, NightCode, and few others. Even old jEdit came to my mind.


After a while I thought that easiest way to connect the two is implementing
> some kind of special file system.

​Or a representation of one. I'll say more about this in another thread.

> I realized through these (thought) experiments, that the one thing that
> makes Leo best editor for me is not its code, editing features, look, ...,
> but this brilliant idea *at-others* and also scripting. Scripting is
> something that lot of other text editors support, but* at-others* is
> uniquely Leo's. Add support for at-others to any other scripting text
> editor and you've got Leo.

​@others was born on March 5, 1996
<http://leoeditor.com/history.html#breakthroughs>, in the first hour of
prototyping Leo using MORE.

I am amazed how no one has implemented such feature in any other editor
> yet. Due to the lack of time I had to abandon this idea but it still burns
> in the back of my head waiting for a better time to be realized.

​@others is natural only in the context of nodes and section references.
True, node could be mapped onto files, but the motivation requires literate

Many thanks for your comments.  They are important.

My focus for now is on exploration, no matter what I appear to be saying ;-)


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