On Sun, Feb 25, 2018 at 10:14 PM, Edward K. Ream <edream...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 25, 2018 at 3:19 AM, Zoom.Quiet <zoom.qu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Leo can embedded Jupyter as inter. command;
>> will make product world merged as code world?
> That was not my intention.
>> of course:
>> this kinds of enhancement, is not for core ability,
>> not necessarily think now ;-)
> Correct.  There are many reasons to study the jupyter world without wanting
> to use its interface or embed Leo in it :-)
> For instance:
> 1. Most editors/ide's have an easy way to switch themes.  This activates an
> already-created theme file.  Leo should use such a scheme, reserving Leo's
> complex @theme machinery only for theme developers themselves. Furthermore,
> studying the themes themselves may prove useful.

Hummm.. IMHO:
- theme is important for developer
- but easy switch theme is not big things
- because if someone always switch theme for show
  must one designer not developer,
  when i config love theme, never ever change it,
  because in new theme, will odd my debug speed.

> 2. Both jupyter and eric6 use side tabs to great effect.  Leo might benefit
> from side tabs too.
> 3. The jupyter Settings menu has a Settings: Text Editor Indentation menu
> that has these items:
>    Indent with tabs
>    Spaces: 1
>    Spaces: 2
>    Spaces: 4
>    Spaces: 8
> This is clearer than any other explanation of indentation I have ever seen.
> Not sure whether this can or should @tabwidth, but I'll keep it in the back
> of my mind.

Leo's outline is better than TAB system,
because walking/jump in outline, is flow my self think world,
but multi-TAB?
such as worm-hole, can not help me:
who am i
where am i
want am i

> 4. It may be possible to use the jupyter servers/kernels in some clever way,
> without re-imagining all of Leo ;-)

of course, this is the biggest reason for IPython:NB upgrade as Jupyter:
Four Ways to Extend Jupyter Notebook - Parente's Mindtrove
Jupyter Notebooks as RESTful Microservices - IBM Emerging Technologies Blog
Jupyter Notebook Server API · jupyter/jupyter Wiki
Contents API — Jupyter Notebook 5.4.0 documentation
jupyterhub/jupyterhub: Multi-user server for Jupyter notebooks

in fact, Jupyter can usage as one frinedly distributed computer platform...

that means, Leo can publish self JupyterHub server as:

so when Leo trigger from some commonds;
will transform nodes as JSON sent the Jupyter backend srv.;
echo the running result as JSON;
rebuild GUI as new contents.

of course:
JupyterHub can running local host also.
with Leo Server Extensions, echo Leo edit action.

> Edward
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life is pathetic, go Pythonic! 人生苦短, Python当歌!
俺: http://zoomquiet.io
授: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/cn/
怒: 冗余不做,日子甭过!备份不做,十恶不赦!
KM keep growing environment culture which promoting organization learning!

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