Yes, although it seems to have been worse since Vitalige's cache
related work.  Python 2/3 pickle protocols aren't compatible by
default.  It's possible that there's some relatively new code that
should be changed to use an older protocol, not sure about that.

Bottom line I think pickle's a bad format for anything except transient
serialization, like between processes in a distributed computation.
JSON's definitely worth the extra work to serialize dates, sets, etc.
in terms of durability and compatibility.

I switch frequently, and see this a lot.  I'm not saying that
eliminating use of pickle should be a high priority, just worth
checking if there's anything that could cut down on these issues easily.

Cheers -Terry

On Sat, 10 Mar 2018 13:07:39 -0800 (PST)
Chris George <> wrote:

> This is the first time in years I have loaded python2 and tried to
> run Leo. Is this normal?
> Chris
> Leo Log Window
> Leo 5.8 devel, build 20180307231313, Wed Mar 7 23:13:13 PST 2018
> Git repo info: branch = devel, commit = a31ff9cc5543
> Python 2.7.14, PyQt version 5.10.0
> linux2
> isPython3: False
> caching enabled
> reading: /home/chris/Working/BreezeStyleSheets/Breeze Dark Theme -
> KDE Plasma.leo
> read outline in 0.19 seconds
> auto save 300 sec. after changes
> Unpickling error - Python 3 data accessed from Python 2?
> Unpickling error - Python 3 data accessed from Python 2?
> Unpickling error - Python 3 data accessed from Python 2?
> Unpickling error - Python 3 data accessed from Python 2?
> Unpickling error - Python 3 data accessed from Python 2?
> Unpickling error - Python 3 data accessed from Python 2?
> hook failed: after-create-leo-frame2, <bound method 
> FreeLayoutController.loadLayouts of 
> <leo.plugins.free_layout.FreeLayoutController object at
> 0x7fdec815e890>>, <no module>
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "/home/chris/leo-editor/leo/core/", line 342, in 
> callTagHandler
> result = handler(tag, keywords)
> File "/home/chris/leo-editor/leo/plugins/", line 241,
> in loadLayouts
> layout = d.get(name)
> AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'

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