Yesterday I started work in earnest on the plugin.  The gui work 
is complete for now: the web page contains the outline, body and log panes 
and the minibuffer.

Attempting two-way communication encountered a roadblock.  Putting 
"require(http)" in a client-side script fails with the console message:

    ReferenceError: require is not defined

We can not use a node.js server in the browser, as explained here 

With my new insights about sockets, I saw that the proper question is *not*:

    Can javascript create *servers *in browsers?

but instead:

    Can javascript create *sockets *in browsers?

The answer to this question is an emphatic yes 
This leads to WebSockets <>, with 
this tutorial <>.


WebSockets is perfect for LeoWapp: high performance, two-way communication, 
supported by all major browsers.  LeoWapp is essential if Leo's browser gui 
is to have the fine granularity I envisaged in the initial design. <> or requests 
<> might replace the aging, ugly, 
python-side guts of (The present code barfs on POST requests). 
We shall see. requests is part of the Anaconda distro, is not.


P. S. Imo, LeoWapp should *require *Python 3. I see no justification 
supporting Python 2 in leading-edge web work.  Comments in the 
documentation for the requests package indicate that there are serious 
problems in attempting to do so.


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