You have c.user_dict for these kind of things. It is an ordinary python 
dictionary and you can put in it anything you want. Values you set in this 
dictionary will be there until Leo exits. If you need to make them more 
permanent then you can put values in c.db (looks like and behaves like a 
dictionary, but values must be pickleable).


On Wednesday, September 11, 2019 at 1:28:39 PM UTC+2, btheado wrote:
> I'm writing a script button in which I want to transform some outline data 
> into html and then display that html in a leo doc. The viewrendered 
> functionality doesn't seem to really fit my needs as the render pane output 
> is tied to whatever node is currently selected.
> I just want to be able to display the html "on-demand" (i.e. through 
> script button click) and refresh it on-demand.
> I have working code for it, but it requires storing the dock object 
> somewhere so it can be used again the next time the script is called. I was 
> wondering if there is some good, already-established convention for storing 
> "global" state for scripts.
> In my case, the variable makes sense to be on a per-commander basis, so I 
> just stored my information on the commander 'c'. That doesn't seem very 
> clean to me and I was wondering if there is a better approach?
> Here is my function which stores and uses global state on c:
> def display_widget_in_leo_pane(c, w, name):
>     """
>         w is the widget to display
>         name is the name the widget should appear in pane menu
>     """
>     dw =
>     if not hasattr(c, '*my_docks*'): c.my_docks = {}
>     dock = c.*my_docks*.get(name)
>     if not dock:
>         dock =
>                  closeable=True, moveable=True, height=50, name=name)
>         c.*my_docks*[name] = dock
>         dw.addDockWidget(QtCore.Qt.RightDockWidgetArea, dock)
>     dock.setWidget(w)
> And a function to use the above:
> def display_html(html, name = 'test html'):
>     w = QtWidgets.QTextBrowser()
>     w.setHtml(html)
>     display_widget_in_leo_pane(c, w, name)
> Also, could someone comment on whether the above code is "leaking" 
> widgets? Should I be calling dock.widget() to retrieve the old widget each 
> time to perform some sort of delete/cleanup?
> Brian

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