Leo's beautify-files command now uses the Orange class in leoAst.py. This 
class is a proof of concept for #1440 
<https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor/issues/1440>, unify the ast and 
token worlds. I've been working on this project for almost four months. It 
is nearing completion. Further testing remains.

Yesterday the beautify-files command passed a major milestone: all of Leo's 
core files compile without syntax errors after being beautified :-) No, I 
haven't committed any of the changes: that will require careful perusal of 


The beautify-files commands beautifies all @<file> nodes in the selected 

The diff-beautify-files command (aka beautify-files-diff) reports the diffs 
(to the console) that would result from running the beautify-files command.


These commands take the following settings, with the indicated defaults:

@bool beautify-allow-joined-strings = False

By default, the beautifier will refrain from joining lines if they contain 
strings. This is my strong preference, because it suppresses rearranging of 
code such as:

message = (
    f"  contents: {contents!r}\n"
    f"  expected: {expected!r}\n"
    f"       got: {results!r}")

I use this pattern all the time now. I would be most annoyed if some 
"helpful" beautifier collapsed it.

@bool beautify-keep-blank-lines = True

As I write this, I'm not sure this option works, or is even in effect. It's 
on the list of things to investigate.

@int beautify-max-join-line-length = 80
@int beautify-max-split-line-length = 90

Notice: these two settings have different defaults. The beautifier will 
join lines only if they won't soon be candidates for being split. Zero 
suppresses splitting or joining.The beautifier ensures that the join length 
is no larger than the split length.

In any case, the beautifier will join lines only if they have not just been 
split ;-)

*Enabling and disabling beautification*

Within Leo, @nobeautify suppresses all beautification until the end of the 
node. It's probably best to put this directive only a the start of a node. 
See below for an important warning.

The beautifier supports two special comments:

# pragma: no beautify
# pragma: beautify

These will allow a stand-alone version of the beautifier to suppress 
beautification in a range of lines.

*Warning**:* Beautification catastrophes could occur if 'indent' and 
'dedent' tokens are not matched within the "verbatim" range. It's probably 
best to use @nobeautify only at the start of a node. I might add support 
for @beautify, but that increases the danger. More noodling is required.

*To do*

1. 100% coverage of all non-debugging code.

Full coverage guarantees important properties. It will be an important 
advertising point when I announce this project.

2. Merge fstrings branch into devel.

This will be done as soon as full coverage is achieved.

3. Beautify all of Leo's core files.

This will be done in a separate branch. Imo, this work should be done 
before closing #1440.

4. Announce #1440 to the world.

The core python devs should definitely know about this work. What they do 
with it is up to them.


Leo's new beautify-files command is now a worthy competitor to black. It 
contains important settings and features not found in black.

Please feel free to play with the beautify-files command and report any 
problems. *Make sure you have backups of to-be-beautified files.* In 
particular, take care with @nobeautify.

Unit tests guarantee that Leo's beautify works exactly like black for all 
of the pet peeves <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/#pet-peeves> 
listed in pep 8 <https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/>. To do this, 
the beautifier must know which parse tree node corresponds to each ":" 
token. This single datum justifies using the entire TokenOrderGenerator 

Completing a major project such as #1440 is *itself* a significant project. 
Surely #1440 is much nearer completion than it was a few days ago ;-)


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