The following remarks have been on my mind lately:

1. I have been happy to see various "side" conversations in leo-editor. 
They have not needed my comments. I am heartened by their quality and 

2. I am not going designate a successor. Leadership structure will likely 
evolve informally. I recommend something *loosely *based on Apache merit 
<>. "Those who have proven they can do, get 
to do more".

3. Imo, leaders should focus *first and always* on maintaining Leo's 
respectful communications. Something like the python code of conduct 
<> or apache code of conduct 
<> should always be 
on your minds. The goal should be to encourage others, not to show how 
dashed smart you are.

Leo is blessed with code, distribution and documentation gurus, and a 
chorus proposing improvements :-) All of you give me confidence that Leo's 
community will continue to thrive after I am gone.


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