Innovation almost happens without a juicy problem. The problem that 
inspired these thoughts was this: how can we associate unit tests with (the 
code in) a Leo node?

One thought was to put one or more unit tests for node p in p.u, p's user 
data.  Clearly that's possible. Moreover, a script could discover and run 
such unit tests.

So p.u becomes another dimension of the outline. That is, p.u is *another* 
outline, "orthogonal" to the original outline. We've been here before, with 
the notion of colored links with Leo outline. The conclusion then (and 
spoiler alert, now) is that the concept isn't that useful. However, I would 
like to discuss this (dubious) idea in a bit more detail, just for fun.

*Outlines all the way down*

If p's user data can contain *another* outline, then any node p-prime in 
the new outline could contain yet another outline, contained in p-prime's 
user data. And so on... This has little or no appeal :-)

*Gui problems*

I have not been able to make sense of this idea in terms of screen 
elements, even if we stop at one additional level. We would need *another* 
pane to show the user data, and there would likely have to be various 
representations of the user data depending on what the various parts of the 
user data are. It would be like the VR pane, but showing p.u rather than 
p.b. Just as with the VR pane, we would need distinct code for each 
different kind of user data. But user data can contain (almost) anything, 
so the new pane could never be "complete".

Furthermore, the new pane, say the *user data pane*, would likely take a 
lot of screen real estate to show the user data. Most of the time that 
space would be wasted (almost useless).

How could the user data pane show yet another outline?  Does that second 
outline need yet another VR pane or another user data pane? It seems like 
the most complex thing that could possibly work :-)

*A simpler way*

Let's go back to the original problem: we want a way to associate unit 
tests with code. Links are the obvious way to do that. 

Leo already has unl's (uniform node locators). There is nothing to prevent 
two-way unl's between code and unit tests. Each node (containing code to be 
tested) could contain a link to a tree containing zero or more unit tests. 
Each unit test could optionally contain a link back to the node being 
tested. So there is a (benign) many-to-one relationship between the links.

I noted above that the user data pane could never show all possible user 
data (in a friendly format). However, *particular* data could be shown 
using special case code. Terry's todo and backlink plugins are examples of 
specialized views of data. We could consider showing graphs of links, if 
that would be useful.

*Other considerations*

Links could take many forms besides unl's, including tags, or even file 
names (of the code to be tested).

Unit tests of outline-oriented code benefit from being included in 
unitTest.leo. That way the unit tests can use Leo's outline-oriented 
capabilities. The unit tests for were a great fit for pytest 
because they *didn't* need those outline-oriented features.


Associating code with unit tests would be useful, but putting tests in p.u 
is about the most complicated thing that might work :-)


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