Hello Edward & Community,

Am Samstag, 25. April 2020 14:50:03 UTC+2 schrieb Viktor Ransmayr:
> I'm trying to understand the various installation options mentioned in 
> Leo's documentation better.
> As you know from my previous post, I almost always rely on the latest 
> released stable version of Leo installed via pip from PyPI into a dedicated 
> PyVE.
> Today I tried to install a new separate Leo-devel instance using the 
> method 'Installation from source (all platforms)' [1] into a new PyVE.
> I succeeded to install this new instance w/o problems - and - I was able 
> to start this new instance for the first time as well.
> *Please also note that before I started this new instance, I did 
> explicitly close the instance of Leo-stable running at that time!*
> The reason why I'm asking this question is that in the logs of the new 
> instance I receive the following messages:
> ###
> *(Leo-devel) [user@fedora-leo-study-vm Leo-devel]$ leosetting leoID from 
> os.getenv('USER'): 'user'Leo 6.3-develcan not open 
> /home/user/PyVE/PyPI/Leo-stable/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/setup.pynot 
> found: 
> /home/user/PyVE/PyPI/Leo-stable/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/leo_to_html.xslnot
> found: 
> /home/user/PyVE/PyPI/Leo-stable/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/run_travis_unit_tests.pycan
> not open 
> /home/user/PyVE/PyPI/Leo-stable/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/run_pytest_tests.pycan
> not open 
> /home/user/PyVE/PyPI/Leo-stable/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/flake8-leo.pycan
> not open 
> /home/user/PyVE/PyPI/Leo-stable/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/pyflakes-leo.pycan
> not open 
> /home/user/PyVE/PyPI/Leo-stable/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/pylint-leo.pycan
> not open 
> /home/user/PyVE/PyPI/Leo-stable/lib64/python3.7/site-packages/leo/test/leo-bridge-test.py*
> ###
> This message clearly show that the new instance, startup details below
> ###
> *Leo Log WindowLeo 6.3-develPython 3.7.6, PyQt version 5.14.2linuxsetting 
> leoID from os.getenv('USER'): 'user'current dir: 
> /home/user/PyVE/Src/Leo-develload dir: 
> /home/user/PyVE/Src/Leo-devel/leo-editor-devel/leo/coreglobal config dir: 
> /home/user/PyVE/Src/Leo-devel/leo-editor-devel/leo/confighome dir: 
> /home/userreading settings in 
> /home/user/PyVE/Src/Leo-devel/leo-editor-devel/leo/config/leoSettings.leoreading
> settings in /home/user/.leo/myLeoSettings.leoreading settings in 
> /home/user/Documents/SL2020.leoread outline in 0.15 secondsreading settings 
> in /home/user/.leo/myLeoSettings.leo*
> ###
> try to use data from the other, currently closed, instance of Leo-stable 
> (6.2.1)

For what it's worth: I just noticed that I receive the same error messages 
also, when I restart the instance of Leo-stable ...


(Leo-stable) [user@fedora-leo-study-vm Leo-stable]$ 
setting leoID from os.getenv('USER'): 'user'
Leo 6.2.1 final
can not open 
not found: 
not found: 
can not open 
can not open 
can not open 
can not open 
can not open 


and in the third & last PYVE that I created in the mean time, where I tried 
out the "Installing Leo with git" method [2]


[user@fedora-leo-study-vm ~]$ cd PyVE/Repo/Leo-Repo/
[user@fedora-leo-study-vm Leo-Repo]$ source bin/activate
(Leo-Repo) [user@fedora-leo-study-vm Leo-Repo]$ leo

setting leoID from os.getenv('USER'): 'user'
Leo 6.2.1 final, master branch, build 49c5e4fa3c
2020-03-30 08:39:10 -0500
can not open 
not found: 
not found: 
can not open 
can not open 
can not open 
can not open 
can not open 


Looking forward to your answer(s).

With kind regards,



[2] https://leoeditor.com/installing.html#installing-leo-with-git

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