On Monday, May 4, 2020 at 8:23:17 AM UTC-4, Edward K. Ream wrote:
> Leo does not support a tk gui.  It hasn't for at least a decade. See 
> leoPlugins.leo#Plugins-->Gui.
> It's possible to run tk code from Leo, but that is another matter entirely.

The Leo distributions had a virtue that is not shared by the current code: 
simplicity of installation and use. I could fit the installers for Python, 
for pywin32, and the LEO files for my projects on a CD-RW or a thumb drive, 
and be ready in two minutes to work on the outlines in which I was 
developing code. The Tkinter interface of the time was not pretty, but it 
worked, and allowed me to get my work done. I miss that simplicity! 

Tkinter and enhancements for current Python are far more capable than the 
plain Tkinter in which Edward wrote the GUI that was part of Leo 4.2 and 
Leo 4.3. I wonder whether a from-scratch implementation of a Leo GUI using 
modern Tkinter could be done without the pain caused to Edward by the gaps 
in the old toolkit:

<https://docs.python.org/3/library/tkinter.ttk.html#module-tkinter.ttk> is 
themeable, to help Python-Tkinter GUIs match the appearance of native GUIs. 

The BWidget <https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/BWidget> widgets include a tree 

I'm not assuming that Edward or another of you reading this would do the 
work. I *am *curious, because I could really use Leo as a PIM in the 
environments in which I work: macOS 10.13 "High Sierra" or later, 64-bit 
Windows 10 with IronPython already installed, and 64-bit Windows 10 with 
Python 3.7 installed. My macOS environment is stable although it changes 
every couple of years to track Apple's upgrade treadmill, the others switch 
machines frequently. So, for me, ease of installation is a need. 

I'm not asking for an explanation here of the best practices for installing 
current Leo with the Qt-based interface. If the answer to my curiosity 
about making a Tkinter GUI anew is that it simply isn't practical, I'll 
discuss my view of using current Leo and Qt in a separate thread. 

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