>>> I've never had a problem with the term as used in Leo.  To me, it conveys 
>>> 1) that a (clone) node looks different from another because it appears in a 
>>> different place, but 2) if you look closer, it's exactly the same inside. 

I'm not saying that the term that the term should be abandoned, just that it 
should have the points that you see, mentioned more explicitly in the 
documentation.  Personally, my understanding of cloning from biology lead me 

"Clone" is as term of art, it's just that it's meaning in Leo is more 
specialized than it is in general usage.

I've had trouble in the past trying to get my point across to Edward, I suspect 
that in part, this is due to different thinking styles, I tend to see thinks 
visually, coming up with a mental model, and elaborating on that so it has all 
the behavior of the system I'm modeling.

Leo sucks me in every time I come back for a visit, (it's a pleasant side trip 
each time), currently, I've been pulled towards a review of the documentation. 
Going round and round with Sphinx trying to get a PDF rendering as I find that 
easiest to review.

In a week or so, I'd like to do some teleconferencing with Edward, (not Zoom, 
but something with the ability to share computer screens), so I can do a show 
and tell on some of the stuff in Leo I'm working on.

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